Welcome to Hollywood Arts University

Comenzar desde el principio

"Now," The vice principal took the mic. "let's hear some words from your student president, On-Ji."

"Hello..." I tuned out her voice. Never really liked On-ji. Nothing wrong about her, but she was never really my cup of tea.

"Come on Kat!" Sokka pushed me off my chair after the sound of her voice was non-existent.

"Yea, yea." I stood up and threw my purse over my shoulder.

"Babe we haven't hung out all week." Kanto said as he put his hand on Toph's shoulder.

"Okay?" She shoved his hand off her.

"We should hang out tonight." He frowned.

"I'm busy."

"With what?"

"I don't know yet, I'll figure it out."


"End of discussion Kanto." Kanto and Toph have fought everyday over the summer.  They starting dating at the end of last year, in July. I don't believe she really likes him, but the fans sure love their relationship.

"Meet you in the office Toph?" I asked.

She nodded her head and went off.


~In science~

The teacher's have all been the same today. Just a 'welcome back' and a 'lets get to know each other' 'My favorite color is...' the regular first day shit.

"...and Aang and Katara." Mr. Huu said. Aang? I turn my head to see the new kid across from me. I walk over to him and sit down.

"Hi! Katara." I said with a smile.

He turned his head and his eyes once again met mine. He cocked his head to the side slightly and then back. "Aang." He reached out his hand which I shook, lost in his eyes.

"So partners?" He nodded his head. "What do you major in?" He bent down and took out a small bag out of his backpack.

"The elements." He said as he took a chip from the bag.

"Come again?"

"The elements. You know, water, earth, fire, air?"

"Well, yea. I just didn't know that was a major."

He smirked. "Just for special students." I was confused, but I shrugged it off.

"Anyone to show Aang around the school?" Mr. Huu asked.

"I will!" I eagerly raised my hand.

"Alright, thanks Katara. And now that that is done, class is dismissed."

"Okay Aang, you ready?"


I showed him everywhere around the school. "And here is my locker. Just across from yours!"

"How lucky." He grinned.

"Katara!" We heard Toph yell.

"Hey Toph!"

"Hey. You sing those song right?" He started. "I like em."

"New kid huh?" Toph asked. He nodded his head. "Name?"




"Element? Let me guess, your a bit light on your feet, I'm gonna say air."

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