• Chapter 15 •

Start from the beginning

"He poisoned the blade." Julia snapped angrily as she stood next to her brother, crossing her arms and glaring at the grounder.

"All this time, you knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did. What is it? Is there an antidote?" Clarke shouted in the grounder's face. "Clarke, he doesn't understand you." Octavia spoke up.

"Vials." Bellamy realized and quickly moved to grab a container full of vials that he had taken from the grounder. "It's gotta be here." Bellamy said and Clarke tossed the knife to the ground.

"You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote. Which one?" Clarke questioned.

"Answer the question!" Bellamy demanded, but the grounder did not move to give them any type of answer.

"Show us. Please." Octavia spoke in a much kinder tone. "Please tell us. Our friend is dying down there and you're the only one who can stop it." Julia begged, desperately. There was still no response from the grounder.

"Bell..." Julia instinctively turned to her brother for help, just like she had her entire life. He was always the one she turned to and she needed him to get the grounder to talk. She couldn't lose anyone else.

"I'll get him to talk." Bellamy spoke, moving towards the grounder, but Octavia grabbed him and tried to hold him back. "Bellamy, no!" She pleaded.

"He wants Finn to die. Why can't you see that?" Bellamy raised his voice as he turned back to face her. Then he turned to Clarke.

"Do you want him to live or not?" Bellamy asked her, wanting her to give permission for what he was about to do. Clarke hesitated and Octavia moved towards her.

"Clarke, you even said it yourself. This is not who we are! He was protecting Julia and I. He saved our lives." Octavia told Clarke before looking towards Julia. "Have you forgotten that?" She questioned her little sister.

Julia narrowed her eyes. "Of course I haven't. But Finn is one of my closest friends and he's dying right now thanks to him. I already lost Mom and Murphy, I can't lose Finn too." Julia responded before looking towards Clarke again.

It was only a second before Clarke nodded towards Bellamy. "Do it." She told him and he quickly moved forward.

Julia looked back towards her sister and spoke with a softer voice. "O, I don't want Bellamy to torture him, okay? I don't want him to get hurt. But I need Finn to live. Whatever it takes."

Octavia turned away from Julia and rushed towards the grounder. "Just tell us!" She shouted, but Miller pulled her back, away from him.

Bellamy grabbed his knife and cut a long piece of strap off one of the seatbelts. Then he used the knife to cut away the grounder's shirt.

"Julia, go downstairs. I don't want you seeing this." Bellamy told his little sister and for once, she did as she was told. Julia headed down the ladder, just hoping that the grounder would reveal which vile was the antidote before he got too hurt and before it was too late for Finn.

When she reached the bottom of the ladder, she went over to Finn and Raven. "What's going on? Does the grounder have an antidote?" Raven questioned as soon as Julia got near.

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