Chapter 7: The Last

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Upon entering, she scanned the room for (Y/N) and walked toward them.
There was not another soul to be seen in the area as it was far too early for a visit to the pool. Mileena preferred it this way; too many eyes fixated on her was extremely unnerving.
Eventually, they waved and smiled at her from the pool. The majority of their chest was underwater and they seemed to be having fun. She returned the gesture and jumped in.
Mileena was often playful and enjoyed all kinds of fun, ranging from innocent to lethal. This one seemed innocent enough, so she made sure her mannerisms and attitude matched the juncture.
"You made it! I was thinking you wouldn't come- then again I'm pretty impatient," (Y/N) chuckled and added, "you look great by the way. That getup really suits you. And the mask matches the swimsuit, you really thought this out, huh?"
Mileena's heart practically skipped a beat, "Thank you, (Y/N). Maybe you can see me in less attire one day, hm?" She was aware of Earthrealm customs, one of them being flirting, so she turned on the charm, "Also, what time are you leaving? Wanted to see if we could go out for lunch maybe?"
Please say yes. If I get you in a vulnerable enough position, I could bring you to Shang Tsung in the mere blink of an eye.
The doubt creeped up again.
Why do I always let myself be bossed around by others? My desires always seem to be tossed aside. I know what I want, but it seems as if no one cares.
Mileena shook her head in an attempt to dismiss her thoughts, turning her attention to the person before her.
(Y/N) flushed, their face tinted red, "Is that a promise? Well, I hope you deliver."
She looked up at them, nodding in response. Then, she felt an uncomfortable surge of pain in her side and she frowned slightly.
(Y/N) furrowed their brow in worry. They put their hand on Mileena's shoulder, "Hey, what's wrong? Your mood shifted so quickly. Is something bothering you? I hope what I said wasn't too far"
The look of concern on their face twisted her insides. The warm hand on her shoulder didn't help either. Just as she thought absolutely no one cared for her, here was this human, so kind and considerate. Mileena wasn't one to reveal her sentiment, but she knew it would overflow her mental floodgates. It was only a matter of time until emotional disaster struck.
She hissed and put her hands near what seemed to be a gunshot wound. She had completely forgotten the brawl from before. The chlorine seeped into the minor hole and it burned slightly. Mileena didn't bother to properly mend it, which was a major mistake on her end.
I'm so foolish. I should have tended to my wounds already. Now it aches and I need to get out of this pool immediately.
"Yeah, I'm okay! I just got hurt the other day and didn't really take care of the injury, so the chlorine is kind of bringing the pain back. If I don't leave, I'm afraid it'll get infected," she looked up at them, the anguish revealing itself in her eyes.
They helped her out of the pool and guided her towards the bathroom. Their hands were carefully wrapped around her hip and shoulder to support her and she couldn't help but gasp slightly at their touch.
I feel so vulnerable and helpless. Is this how humans feel all the time?
"If you need me, I'll be waiting out here for you. If you feel like you need to go to the hospital, I'll drive you over there, no problem," they offered.
Mileena reassured them, "Oh, no I don't think I need that, thank you though. I'm sure I'll be fine."
When she reached the bathroom mirror, she trailed her hands down to her wound, quickly sending a prayer to the Elder Gods.
Please let this heal, please. I don't have time to be bothered or disrupted right now. I must be focused on the task at hand.
Since no one was around, Mileena slipped off her purple mask. Doubt seethed in her system. What if... she wanted to pursue a relationship with them? What then?
I cannot let my feelings get in the way. I fall in love so easily and then I get let down. I've shown affection to so many and all they do is betray me. I should know better than this. Besides, my appearance to most is ghastly. I'm a pretty face until I take off my mask. I can fool so many people into thinking I am my sister, Kitana, until my mouth is revealed. But anything can happen right? Even if something seems impossible, the possibility of it occurring is never zero. If there is an off chance that I like them and they like me, what can I do? What will I tell Shang? He can be accepting on occasion but I feel that this time... he won't understand. Y/N is a threat, yes? I can't betray Tsung. However, what about my happiness? What about what I want? Why can't I just let all of this anxiety and fear go and just live my life? All I want is a family, I want someone to love me. I do not want to keep on living like this anymore. I need to release myself of this baggage.
She traced her fingers over her sharp, fanged teeth. Although she had lips to part them in the middle, the mere sight of the bottom half of her face would frighten any Earthrealmer. Humans were so accustomed to their ways of life...blissfully unaware of the various realms and species that spanned across the universe. Mileena knew and accepted this diversity. But would (Y/N)?
Footsteps approached her and Mileena jumped at the sound. There stood (Y/N), a towel in hand, "Hey, I was just gonna offer you a towel if you needed one!"
They froze, shocked at the sight of Mileena's face. In a panic, she scrambled to put her face covering back on but her hands fumbled and it fell to the floor.
Shit! What am I going to do now?
"So, that's what's under your mask? That's what you wanted to keep hidden from me?"
Mileena nodded since she was unsure how to respond. What could she say? This situation was awkward enough; she knew if she tried to reply, it would only make matters worse.
Maybe I just have to tell them the truth? Or at least part of it. I can tell them I'm from Outworld, but not about the plan.
She walked towards them carefully but they did not back away. She tilted her head because she expected them to be afraid... but they weren't. Not even the smallest indication of fear showed on their face. It was more so curiosity than anything else.
"Well, (Y/N), as you can tell- I'm not human. My blood is Edenian and Tarkatan. I am from another realm called Outworld; there are many realms, this one being Earthrealm. I came here for a mission, however, I found you and here we are. I know it is a lot of information to take in and you don't understand. By the Elder Gods, you probably don't even believe me...but my word is true," Mileena eyes met theirs and she looked away, defeated. This probably sounded like a heap of bullshit to (Y/N). Honestly, who could blame them?
"Mileena, I completely understand. You see," they paused and looked into her eyes, "my parents and I were from Outworld as well. When our people were under attack, we fled to Earthrealm. I haven't revealed my true identity to anyone! I haven't even been there in decades. I know I'm capable of magic, but I haven't had proper training and haven't seen any use for it. We left when I was but a child, so I didn't get the opportunity to reach my true potential."
Mileena's jaw dropped, almost cartoonish.
This is the biggest plot twist moment I've ever witnessed. No wonder Shang said they have powers! Why didn't I think of this as a possibility? Many Outworlders look just like humans and could blend in completely here. I should have expected this outcome.
Suddenly, arms wrapped around her in a tender embrace. Mileena was hesitant, but eventually wrapped her arms around them as well.
They whispered in her ear, "Mileena. I'm not judging you and I'm not afraid of you. I know we just met, but I like you. You're adventurous, honest, and gorgeous. How could anyone deny you? You're perfect."
Mileena completely succumbed to their body heat, she was almost entranced in their touch.
It's so funny to me, how I would so easily have others wrapped around my finger. Look at me now! Do I really desire affection this badly? It's amazing what a simple hug or touch could do. The sheer power of it blows my mind, honestly.
"Do you really mean that," her eyes fixated on the beige tiles of the floor, "you feel that way about me? Usually everyone I meet fears me and they say I'm a freak, an abomination, a monster. Are you sure that's how you feel?"
Mileena's usual confident self disappeared. She looked like a helpless puppy at this point and they broke the hug. She still stared at the floor but they cupped her head into their hands and planted a small kiss on her forehead.
"I did mean what I said. I wouldn't be this close to you if I was lying, right?" They asked.
Mileena finally noticed the small amount of space between them and she blushed at the thought.
"Okay, I believe you. Just please... don't let me down. I've been betrayed so many times, I don't want it to happen again," she warned.
They locked their eyes on her, "I wouldn't dare do that. I can tell your heart has been broken many times before but I will do my best to mend it. I'll help you pick up the pieces, Mil."
After their talk, Mileena picked up her mask and they walked back to (Y/N)'s room. They planned on going out together after (Y/N) had everything settled.
Amongst all the joy and love that swirled in Mileena's chest like a swarm of butterflies, Shang Tsung was on her mind. What would he think of this?
I need to text him. Now.
"Hey, I need to talk to someone real quick, so I'll go to my room for a couple minutes. I need to put on some clothes anyway," she informed them.
They put a hand over hers and gave it a loving squeeze, "Sure, go ahead! Since I know you don't actually work here, I assume you have plenty of time to hang? I'm on vacation right now, so I have plenty of time to be with you."
Mileena smiled and nodded, her eyes full of admiration for (Y/N). Soon, she arrived at her room and opened her messages.

11:43 AM
shang, there is something I need to tell you. I feel as if my feelings are overwhelming me once again. you know how it goes. i don't think... i can complete this mission. I honestly don't know what I think anymore

Immediately her ringtone blasted and she jumped, eyes wide. She accepted the call and croaked, "Hello?"
"I expected this of you, Mileena. I knew something like this was bound to happen. If you are indeed fond of them, I suggest you two run away together. Be wary of their powers and try to keep their magic contained. I am only letting this slide because I care for you, I truly do. I know it doesn't take long for you to fawn over someone. I know the slightest bit of kindness and affection can have you head over heels. I wish you weren't this way. However, there is nothing I can do to change you. I will try my best to keep an open mind for you. I don't fully understand your motives, but I will accept them. You need to choose your own path, Princess. If this is what you truly desire, do it. I will not be stopping you. However, I will keep in contact with you but if there is ever any trouble, I will assist if needed. Goodbye," he hung up.
Mileena stared into nothingness, completely dumbfounded. She was at a loss for words. Her disbelief resonated through every inch of her chest. Goosebumps trickled across her arms and she shook her head in order to ground herself.
Did he really... say that? I can't believe he said all of that. He really does care for me.
Her eyes watered and she wiped the tears away before they could fall. No one has ever shown her such love and consideration. Her desire for an adoring family seemed like a bigger possibility than ever before. Even though the two had just met, they truly seemed to love her for who she was.
Mileena: a beauty and beast, and her loving partner.

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