Chapter 3

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      After finishing her dinner, disappointed to leave the food behind, Mileena collected all her necessary belongings. She packed several outfits, her phone, charger, and her trusted dagger-like sais. She stuffed her wallet, lotion, facial cleansing products, and a hairbrush in her medium sized suitcase. Before leaving, she put on her magenta mask with intricate silver swirls embroidered in and hid her thigh scabbards under a darkened violet cloak that fell down to her ankles.
     Satisfied, she took a deep breath and prayed to the gods she would teleport safely. Exhaling slowly, she seemed to slowly dissolve in a bright purple glow and then...vanished.
     Mileena swirled into a world of dazed purple lights and when she opened her eyes, she arrived in a dark alley. Confused as to whether or not she was in the correct place, she searched for clues. The ground was unpleasant, sticking to the soles of her boots and making her grimace.
      Hearing a scuffle behind her from down the mouth of the alley, she turned to see a human stumble close, smelling absolutely vile even from how far she was from it. The strange, unsightly being approached her, asking clumsily as if his tongue was swollen, "Hey, lady are ya lost? You look like you could use a hand."
     "Do not insult me, you pig! Although, I must admit I need confirmation on where I am. Is this (your city/town)," she sneered.
      He didn't seem to notice her disdain. "Yeah, this is it. What's your name, honey? I wanna take you somewhere," the man approached her waveringly, reaching out to grab her shoulder.
     Mileena recoiled in disgust, but she set her suitcase on the ground and decided to play along. She was in the mood for a quick bite, after all.
        "Well, I am flattered by your," she looked at him up and down and put on the most seductive tone she could, "...offer. I'll go with you, if that is what you wish." She curled her index finger in a playful manner, trying to tempt him.
       He leaned in to lay his hands on her, but she ripped off her mask while connecting her boot with his side before he could. He screamed in pain and fell back, in shock at her beastly appearance.
     "What the fuck is that?! What the hell is wrong with your teeth?" He shouted at her, his voice rising hysterically. She threw her head back to laugh, too focused on his fear, and failed to notice his mad scramble for the gun tucked into his jeans.
        "Oh, you reject me, human? I thought you sought my affection. Come on! Let's play!" Her pointed Tarkatan teeth curled into a grin before a loud bang reverberated around her. She looked down, her excited grin faded, to see her tunic stained and pierced near her hip. Her snarl, a deep, otherworldly atrocity, went straight for the growing fear in his heart. She knew exactly where to hit him next.
Her boot collided with his chest again, tearing the gun from his trembling hands before he could even blink. Her sai slipped easily down her sleeve into the offender's hip, matching the mark on her, making the man shriek in a primitive scream. She laughed mercilessly at the sound.
But enough was enough, she didn't have time for such nonsense. Digging her nails into his side, enough to hit bone, she came closer to the man's face and said in a sweet voice, "Where might I find the Edenia Hotel? Come, surely your offer still stands?"
Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed out a weakened, "Four...four blocks, big red and gold b...building. Please, don-" Savagely ripping out his heart, the man's face twisted in agony and he breathed his last.
      She gritted out, "Your heart looks delicious! I will save this for later. Thank you and goodbye, Earthrealmer. I had so much fun with you today," she put his beating heart in her pocket, sheathing her sai along with it and hiding her now stained tunic with the rest of the cloak. Mileena picked her mask up from the ground, grabbed her suitcase, and skipped away...leaving his corpse to rot.

A Quick Bite! (MKX Mileena x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora