Chapter 5

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   Her scheme could not possibly fail. She was Mileena, daughter of Shao Kahn and heir to the throne! Therefore, her plan was totally and utterly foolproof: to distract the receptionist and steal a package from (Y/N)'s mailbox. How would she possibly cause such a diversion? She had quite a few tricks up her sleeve and she was more than confident in her abilities.
     Mileena made her way to the first floor by the entrance, searching for an employee. She walked around, eyeing every corner, making sure she seemed as unsuspecting as possible. In time, she spotted a worker exit out of a slightly hidden corridor and hissed, "I found you!"
        He was a young man in his early 20s with blonde hair that fell to his shoulders. He had hazel eyes and a longing look on his face, as if he was waiting for a woman to sweep him off his feet. Mileena knew just what to do.
       She sauntered over to the worker, and cleared her throat, rasping sweetly, "Excuse me, sir. I was wondering if you could help me out with something. I am in dire need of your assistance!"
        "Oh, hello. Sure, what do you need? I can lend you a hand," he smiled at her.
        She tilted her head to the side and replied, "Well, mister, you see there is quite an abomination in the bathroom on this floor and I was wondering if there was someone available to clean it? Sorry to bother you about this," she promiscuously stepped closer to him, her shaky breath seeping through her mask. The man looked into her eyes and it seemed as if he was cast under a spell.
         "Y..yes, of course! I'll help you with anything you need. Lead the way," he answered, hypnotized.
      Mileena giggled and skipped over to the bathroom with the employee tailing behind her. When they arrived, she made sure no one was around. Subsequently, she stood in front of him and leaned in. His heartbeat quickened, almost making his entire body quiver; she practically had him wrapped around her finger.
      Their chests touched and she whispered in his ear, "Your time is up."
       Before he could even make a sound, she yanked her sai from its sheath and viciously struck him in the temple with clean precision. His eyes widened in shock and she cuffed a hand over his mouth. "Your flesh looks tempting," she snarled, "quite sad to say I must let the food spoil..."
      She turned and held him in a chokehold, with her sai still lodged into his scalp, and disappeared into that luminating purple daze. They landed in an alley and she concluded she would end his misery. There was not nearly enough time to play around as the clock was constantly ticking. She released him from her grasp and he fell to the ground, completely helpless. She hurriedly undressed him and set his clothes to the side.
       Then, she towered over him and slammed her boot into his face. He screamed in pain and pleaded for her to stop, but Mileena would never take orders from a lowly Earthrealmer.
      She took off her mask and stuck out her long tongue, slowly dragging it across his face, clawed his chest and ripped out his heart. She managed to swallow it whole and licked the blood off her face, grabbing his outfit and her mask before teleporting back to the hotel restroom.
     Immediately, she changed her clothes, putting the new outfit over them, and made sure no blood was left. She exited and walked over to the front desk, claiming the manager asked for the receptionist 10 minutes ago. In a panic, the woman ran off and Mileena creeped towards the table, searching for (Y/N)'s package.
      Shang Tsung had informed her of a parcel they would receive during their stay, so this was the perfect opportunity to retrieve it. "Aha! Found it," she cheered.
      Mileena calculated her next step, checking down the book on the desk to see what room they were in. After she detected their name, she picked up the phone and waited for a response.
       After about a few seconds of silence, a voice spoke, "Hello?"
      Mileena's voice shifted to a faux welcoming tone, "Good afternoon, (Y/N). I would just like to inform you that a package for you has arrived. I can bring it to your room, if you would like," she darted her eyes slightly, awaiting an answer.
     After what seemed like an eternity, they responded, "Oh, that's so kind of you! If it's no trouble, I would appreciate you bringing it here. Thanks so much!"
     She took a quick breath, "Of course! I will be there shortly."
          After hanging up, she grabbed the package and discreetly made her way to the elevator. When she arrived on the second floor, she sneaked over to Room 115. Softly knocking on the door twice, Mileena stood awkwardly. She tapped her feet on the floor with a rife impatience. Mileena certainly wasn't the type to happily wait for so long.
      At last, the door cracked open to reveal a (tall/short) (gender) with (outfit you might wear). Their eyes gleamed a burning (your eye color) and their smile sent sparks of warmth throughout Mileena's body. She scrunched her face in annoyance, hating herself for even reacting in such a manner.
         She made polite eye contact with them, seemingly scanning their very soul, and handed them the package, "There you go!"
        They took the parcel from her hand and gave a friendly, if slightly shy, head nod along with a "Thank you so much."
         "Oh it was no problem," Mileena waved her hand nonchalantly, "it really is a pleasure putting a face to the name."
       Their face warped in confusion, "What do you mean? Has someone told you about me or...?"
      Her eyes widened in panic, realizing what an idiotic mistake she had made. She tried to come up with an excuse- some kind of convincing lie that would help her escape this awkward situation. But her mind was empty. The moment when she needed it most, it completely blanked out. She felt a slight ache in her hands, as if they began to shake. An echo of Shang's warning resonated within her skull.
     She coughed awkwardly and said, "Oh, well..I... I just like to get to know the hotel guests at times. I have been able to befriend a few. I was wondering if you could be another?"
       "That was fucking dense. Are you insane? You cannot have a genuine relationship with them," she thought to herself.
      They looked absolutely speechless and still utterly confused. An awkward silence ensued between them. The sheer feeling of it gnawed at Mileena, making her cringe. She looked down at her shoes, hoping to find some sort of distraction in order to avoid the tension before her. She jumped at a slight tap on her shoulder.
     "Hey, you seem pretty nice... so if you wanna be friends. Let's go for it!"
   Her eyes glimmered with excitement, but not for the reason one would expect.
      They're mine! Shang Tsung, the mission is soon to be complete.
      She clapped her hands with a swift joy, "I'm glad to hear," her tone softened, "if you would ever like to hang out, let me know! Do you want my number?" She picked her phone out of her pocket, careful of how much of the odd case they saw, and glanced at them, "My name is Mileena, by the way. You can call me Mil if you want."
      They nodded and she dictated her number to them at a slow pace. She watched their fingers tap the keypad frequently and heard the faint sound of their heart rapidly beating.
     Are you nervous? Does the sight of me make your heart race? That's adorable.
      She giggled to herself and her anxiety seemed to fade completely with an aura of pride seeping through the cracks.
    When they put their phone away, a smile danced around her honey suckled eyes and she resisted the urge to hop around in glee.
      They beamed back and reached out to shake hands. Mileena accepted the offer smoothly, making sure her fingers brushed against theirs when they released. She wanted them completely entranced. What other way could she get them to trust her enough? In Mileena's mind, seduction was the only way-  never mind building a friendly bond.
   "It was nice meeting you, Mil. I'm hoping we could be good friends. You seem so sweet." They looked down and scratched their head, "you're really pretty too. Hoping you can show me the rest of your face one day," they laughed jokingly.
     "Hmm, if I trust you enough I will," Mileena teased and her heart felt warm. They seemed to be quite fond of her, even went so far as to compliment her. Not many people would ever so much as smile at her!
    This human... are they really a threat? Maybe Shang Tsung has the wrong person? They seem completely harmless. They're quite cute too.
     "Maybe we can get to that point soon enough. Tomorrow's my last day here, I'm going back home soon so I'll try to keep in touch," they winked.
       "Oh, most definitely," she replied.
    Mileena walked off, looking back to offer one last smile, forgetting they couldn't see it with her thick mask. She failed to notice the genuine edge that had creeped into her once cruel and utterly blistering grin. Was a crush starting to form? Only time could tell.
      As she went back to her room, she plopped on the bed. Taking off her shoes and mask with the intent to relax, she thought of any possible plans for the next day. Her mind wandered to (Y/N). How would they react if they saw her for who she really was? An assassin with the ghastly Tarkatan teeth. If they did manage to love her regardless of her appearance, what would be her next move? Mileena desperately wanted someone to love; she wanted someone to have mutual feelings for her. Although she tried her hardest to maintain a fierce and deadly reputation, it was all merely a facade. Deep down in the depths of her mind, she wanted friends. She wanted someone to accept and love her for who she was.
       Soon, these thoughts faded away and she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Shang's delighted face.

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