Sick at The Late Late Show

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"-Niall, darling, would you like another blanket?" you asked sitting beside Niall on the bathroom floor and rubbing his back. He's been in here for most of the evening feeling too sick to go back to bed. Since he woke up around 1am he threw up many times and the boy couldn't keep anything down. You, Liam, Louis, Harry and Maya were all worried that he is dehydrated, but Niall was too afraid to drink something.

Niall put his head on your shoulder, you could feel the heat coming from his body. After a few minutes of silence, Niall's break came to an end and he started throwing up what little was left in his stomach. You rubbed his back while he vomitted in the toilet.

"-Why am I fe-feeling like this?" Niall asked still trying to catch his breath.
"-I don't know baby, maybe you will feel better later." you said hoping he will be better later, the boys were invited to The Late Late Show tonight and their manager said that Niall has to perform no matter what.

The next hours were horrible for the poor sick boy, he was shivering in your arms while he threw up only stomach acid which made his throat hurt.

After a few minutes, Liam came in the bathroom to check on Niall.
"-Hey mate, how are you feeling?"
"-Terrible, I ju-just want this t-to stop!" Niall said, a few tears coming from his eyes.
"-Niall, buddy, let's go to bed, you will feel so much better in there." you said trying to make him more comfortable.
Niall nodded, he didn't want to make a mess in bed, but he was too weak and exhausted to stay in the bathroom.

You and Liam helped him to bed and you cuddled with him under the sheets rubbing his stomach.
"-Feel better, love!" you really hoped that the fact that he was in bed will make him feel better, but you were wrong.

"-(Y/N), (Y/N), hey, wake up." it was Harry's voice. He had to wake you and Niall up, because in an hour the boys had to be at The Late Late Show for some arrangements before the show started.
"-Yes, Harry, I am sorry, I will wake Niall up, thank you." you said rubbing your eyes.
"-Don't worry love, I hope he feels better." Harry said and left the room.

"-Niall, hey, I am sorry baby, but it's time to wake up." you said playing with Niall's hair.
"-Just fi-five more minutes, please (Y/N)." he said.
"-Niall, I will change my clothes and find you something to wear than I will wake you, ok?" you asked and Niall nodded.

You changed in a pair of black jeans and a T-shirt with Freddie Mercury and chose Niall a pair of dark-blue jeans and a black and white shirt.
After you and Niall were both ready you came downstairs to see everyone in the living room watching TV.
"-Hey, how are you feeling Niall? Would you like to eat something?" Louis asked.
"-Not myself just yet, but I would like some crackers." Niall answered sitting on the sofa.
"-In a minute!" Louis said and brought Niall some crackers.
"-I think we should leave now, if we don't want to be late!" Liam said after Niall finished his crackers. We all agreed.

The ride started. You were sitting with Niall and he fell asleep on your shoulder, a few minutes later he woke up and put he's hand at his mouth.
"-You ok?" you asked.
"-Liam, pull over, please." Niall said.
When Liam stopped the car Niall rushed outside and started gagging. You stayed with him for a few minutes before he calmed down and got back in the car.
"-Sorry guys!" Niall said.
"-Don't apologize Niall, all we want is for you to feel better!" Maya said.

Time skip..

When you arrived there, you all went to the dressing room.
"-Hey guys, how are you all feeling?" James said with a big smile on his face, but it disappeared when he saw Niall. He was really pale, his hair a mess and his pretty blue eyes were bloodshot and teary.
"-Hey Nialler, heard you are not feeling too hot today.'' James said rubbing Niall's shoulder and he nodded.

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