"Nice speech Chief Benja but why did you really bring us here, are you gonna rob us?" The chief of Tail sarcastically replied

"Why would he need to rob us, heart already has everything" the chief of talon added

"Oh its easy to participate in Kumandra, when you hold the mightiest weapon in all the lands" The chief of Spine shouted bringing up roar between the groups

"It's not a weapon" The chief of heart was trying to explain over the crowds, however our nation along with the fang nation stood their silently. I looked towards the heart chiefs daughter where she gave me and the chief of fangs daughter a warm smile which we couldn't help but to return. Suddenly the chief of hearts daughter started to walk forward into the open space towards us. Everyone became quite

"I have something to say..... WHo's Hungry?!" She asked and i looked confused. I turned my head around as i heard a light laugh. It was kinda pretty, i looked around and saw it belonged to the girl with the earring

"Go ahead, it's alright" I heard the chief of fang tell her daughter. I looked to my father and he nodded, we both then made our way infront of the other girl and bowed our heads slightly.

"I'm Namaari of fang" the girl with the earring said

"I'm Sakiya of Soul" I added whilst looking at them

"Hi Namaari, Sakiya I'm Raya. Huh is that Sisu?" Raya asked excitedly pointing to Namaari's necklace, Namaari nodded

"Sorry I might be little bit of a dragon nerd" Raya said with a laugh

"Hey i'm the one wearing the necklace" Namaari added

"OOh and your hair piece Sakiya, its a dragon, so pretty" Raya stared in amazement

"Thank you, I might be a little fascinated in dragons too" I smiled at the making the two blush

"Follow me!" Raya said excitedly as she grabbed our hands and lead us up the stone stairs

Next thing I knew was that we were feasting in a grand hall inside the heart nation. Me, Raya and Namaari we all seated on a mat on the floor

"So your mum actually said that?! Wow awkward"

"Ok next question hand to hand or swords?!" Raya asked

"Blades all day" Me and Namaari replied at once making me laugh as she blushed


"Ok dressy or casual?!" Namaari asked us

"Only a monster would choose to wear this outfit on the regular" Raya responded

"What about you Sakiya?" Namaari asked

"Um i don't really mind, in soul we only have three outfits this one, a training outfit and my coronation outfit" I explained as I ate some stew

"Oh wow I had no idea" Raya said looking down at my outfit

"Ok, Ok um rice or stew?" I asked, Namaari looked down sadly

"Oh my sorry, i didn't think that question would stump you" I quickly explained trying to ease the tention

"Ahh this is actually one of the first times I've had rice in a while" Namaari added


"Fang may look nice on the outside but their are a lot of holes on the inside" Namaari explained

"Similar problem here with Soul, it's train all day or no food or holiday" 

"So where were we, we all have single parents who tell bad jokes, were all warrior women and were all dragon fans"

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