Ch. 20

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I hear knocking at the door and it pulls me from my thoughts. I turn my tv off and get up off the couch, Green jumps down and starts barking at the door.

Another knock comes, "I'm coming!" I holler as I made my way to the door. I open it to see Mrs. King, my neighbor, standing there.

"Niall I need a few things done around my apartment. Could you help?" She asks and I nod quickly.

"Yeah of course, let me get my shoes on and I'll head over." She nods and I turn around slipping on a pair of Louis' vans he left over here a couple night ago.

"So my granddaughter and her boyfriend are coming over tomorrow, I just need a few odds n'ends picked up. My laundry needs to be done, my back is getting to old to carry that basket to the laundry room. Could you also reorganize my room and make me dinner? I'm becoming so useless now days." She tells me and I nod.

"Of course, it doesn't really bother me honestly. Harry is still away on business trip. They extended his time there," I explain to her.

"Okay! Great, I'll go get tea ready for you." I follow her into her kitchen, and I start doing dishes while she makes tea. "So how is it going? Doesn't Anne have her wedding coming up?"

"Yeah, the guy seems nice though I've only met him once. Harry and Gemma seem to like him."

"I'm sure he's a wonderful guy! Anne has always had this gift of knowing who's the right person," she gushes.

"Wait, you know Anne?" The thought had never crossed me that Mrs. King knew Anne.

"Oh yes honey, when I fell down and broke my hip she was my nurse in the hospital. She took care of me so much while my granddaughter was away in America. She came in almost every hour and would stay till my next nurse was on shift to make sure I was taken good care of." She explains, still smiling back on the memory.

"What happened to Mr. King?" I hope I'm not hitting a nerve.

"Well he died of cancer but he loved his daughter, son and me very much. He would work late hours just for us to have the best! He loved to spoil the kids." She turned her gaze to a photo on her wall of her family then went back to making the tea.

"I bet he was a lovely man," I tell her.

We both continue to do our own things, when I finish the dishes I get her laundry and explain to her that I'll be on the 5th floor doing her laundry.

Before I did go to the 5th floor I stopped by my apartment to get Green and take him up with me. Of course on the elevator ride up every time the doors rang that we were on a new floor he would bark.

"Silly dog you are, you think it's an actual person." I tell him and he just looks at me weird. "Come on Green." I state as the doors open. I go in and put the cloths in the washer then I head back down to Mrs. Kings apartment.

When I open the door I gasp and drop the basket onto the floor.


So cliffhanger!!! I wonder what happened? What do you guys think?

Out of all the chapters of me talking to you guys what kind of person do you think I am? Just wondering.

I was in a pretty great mood till I came back to my dorm and my roommate was in a terrible mood.

I was actually meaning to update yesterday but it never happened so I'm super sorry. I say sorry a lot.... Sorry.

Love you guys! Bye!

P.s picture of Niall in underwear together cause like *heart eye emoji*

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