Confrontation from a Liar...

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Marinette proceeded to go to the bathroom just to calm herself down. Tikki then came out of her purse and looked at her worriedly. Marinette was okay, she was just pretty mad at Lila. But she couldn't let Hawkmoth feel her negative energy. She couldn't bear to be akumatized. People would later on figure out she was Ladybug due to her absence. 

Mylene came in with a huge smile on her face. Then she saw Marinette and came up to her. 

"Hey Mylene! You seem so excited. What's up?" asked Marinette, kindly smiling back. Mylene jumped up and down in pur joy. Marinette was glad to see her friend like this.

"Can you believe it? Lila arranged for me to meet with my favorite celebrity, Jagged Stone! She said that Jagged would give me a chance to sing my favorite song!" said Mylene. Marinette frowned a little. Just when she'd calmed down. This wasn't any cool. Lila was still lying and people still believed her?

"Look Mylene, I get that you're excited and all but trust me, Lila is a huge liar. Remember when she lied to the principal to get me expelled? And this morning, when she was late to class?" reminded Marinette. Mylene thought a little.

"I mean, she said she had some condition right? When she got you expelled?" she asked.

"Yes I know about that and trust me, that was a complete and total lie!" argued Marinette.

"I'm sorry Mari, but you've been sort of mean to her ever since. First off, your immediate thought of her was that she was a liar just because she was talking to Adrien? Another thing, you pushed her down the stairs, almost hurt her eye, sprained her wrist. You guys should try and get along. Until then, I'm sorry Mari but I can't talk to a person who's disrespected someone who's done something so nice for me. Bye Marinette." Mylene said, locking herself in the nearest bathroom stall. Marinette walked out of the room and hid in a corner. 

"You need to calm down! Don't let this get to you! You still have Alya and so many others! There's really no need!" said Tikki, trying her best to comfort Marinette.

"But Lila's just gonna keep lying! I'm gonna lose all my friends thanks to her. Mylene's the nicest person ever! Losing her is just the beginning." she said, crying even more. Tikki sighed.

Then, an akuma came Marinette's way.

"Watch out!" Tikki shouted. Marinette gasped and then smiled calmly. The akuma flied away. 

"That was a close call Marinette. We need to go, now! That akuma could land on anyone who shows the slightest bit of negative energy. You need to transform!" said Tikki while panicking. Marinette ran into the ladies' room and quickly transformed, ready to catch the akuma.

As she was running after the akuma, she saw Lila in the park telling a random little kid how she once saved Paris with Ladybug. But Ladybug didn't have any time for confrontation, she had to  catch that akuma immediately. But then the little kid shouted, "Ladybug! Is that true?"

Ladybug looked down from the building she was standing on to the little kid. She frowned and started to run faster and faster. Lila gave off a little smirk. The little kid ran off and started to go on the carousel. Lila looked behind her and saw Gabriel Agrestes' car. She smiled and told him to akumatize her. The butterfly went into the opposite direction and Ladybug didn't notice, still running in the same direction she was currently in.

Lila turned back into Volpina, possibly for the 3rd time and played her flute to make an illusion of Chat Noir. 

This was going to be fun....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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