"Found it." He said, giving Andrew a cheeky grin.

Andrew smiled and helped him up. "Well, then. Let's go lay claim on it."

Varian nodded. "To the castle!"


Varian looked over and saw Hector was struggling to get up from the ground, his human body covered in scales just like Varian and Adira. "Oh." He walked over and knelt in front of him. "What's the matter? Didn't you want to be human again?"

"Hh...nngh..." Hector scrabbled a bit trying to get up and Varian stepped back from him.

"Pathetic. How did I ever fear you?" He used the black rocks to wrap around his arms and lift him off the ground to pin him against a boulder. "You'll stay here until the princess comes. You'll tell her that I'll be at the castle. Once she arrives, I'll let you go." He paused and walked up to him, covered his fist in black rocks to make it bigger, and slammed it into the man's gut. "THAT'S for doing the same to me." He said as Hector let out a choked cry of pain and started coughing.

He nodded firmly, retracted the rocks from around his hand, and walked back to the balloon, accepting his clothes from Lance. "Let's fly to the castle, everyone." He smiled at them as he redressed. "The Mad King is waiting."

Hector glared up at them as they lifted into the air and flew overhead. "Yeah...he's waiting, alright...little brat..."


The land had been restored. His humanity had been restored. Which meant only one thing: Varian was back. Quirin waited until he felt steady enough and then gathered up clothes that he'd stored away for when this day came. He had to go to the castle, before Varian did something he could never take back.

He didn't want any more blood on his son's hands.


King Edmund sat in his throne, where he'd been since before the earthquake started, and looked at his restored body. It wasn't exactly the same, he was covered in scales still, but he had legs again. He reached for his scepter and slowly stood up, testing out his legs. It had been...so long since he last stood. He didn't realize how difficult it would be.

"Hn..." He grit his teeth.

Black rocks suddenly burst into the throne room and he gasped, dropping back onto the throne. The doors across from him opened and a group of people walked in. He recognized Adira and no one else but the leader, the boy he'd once locked away and ordered to do what he'd just achieved.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Varian said, walking up to the throne.

"Show some respect, boy." He said firmly. "Bow before your king."

"Mmm...nah." Varian chuckled. "You see, I outrank you."

"Excuse me?" Edmund frowned.

"You're a king..." He walked closer and Edmund felt black rocks creeping up to bind his legs against the throne so he couldn't get up. "But, I'm a god." He chirruped in delight. "Ergo, I outrank you." He snapped his fingers and Edmund gasped as his legs released and something shoved him forward, off the throne and onto the floor at Varian's feet. "So, you will bow to me."

"Why...are you here?" Edmund demanded, his body shaky as he barely help himself up on his hands and knees.

"Isn't it obvious?" The arrogant boy walked past him and sat himself down on Edmund's throne. "I'm taking what's rightfully mine. For centuries, this Kingdom has worshipped the moonstone." He spread his arms in a dramatic gesture. "Well, the moonstone has decided that it's time to take control. Never again will it be used by greedy humans."

Edmund looked up at him. "You..."

"So, here's how it gonna be." He crossed one leg over the other, clearly much more confident in his use of legs than Edmund was. Ironic, considering he had never been human until now. "You're going to swear fealty to me and beg for forgiveness for locking me in a cage, and then you're going to spend a few days in a cell until I feel like forgiving you."

"I will not beg you for anything." Edmund said furiously.

Varian stared down at him and laced his fingers together. "The alternative is that I kill you. And I won't be nice about it. I'll make sure it's drawn out, that you scream the entire time."

"You cocky little—"

"I'll give you some time to decide. Adira, you know where the cells are?" He looked at her and she nodded. "Good. Show Cassandra and Andrew where they are. Cassandra, Andrew, lock this trash up."

They moved forward and Edmund tried to push them away but he was easily hauled along by the two humans, being unable to walk himself. Adira looked down at him, her grip on the staff he used to help herself walk tight, and then she turned and led them out.

Varian was joined by the only other human in the group and Edmund scowled at them as he was hauled away. "Once I learn how to use my legs again, you'll be the one begging!" He roared.

A child's mocking laugh was all he got for his trouble before the doors closed between them.


Varian sighed and looked around at his new throne room before he looked at Lance and smiled. "So? What do you think?"

"Mmm, bit dreary. Could use some color." Lance said, leaning against the throne casually. "But, that's easily amended. How do you feel?"

"Justified." Varian nodded, smiling.

Madam Tiri appeared next to him. "That was an easy takeover."

"Easy when the King can't even fight." Varian scoffed, rolling his eyes. "But, this room will be good for the final battle."

"Yes, I believe it will suffice." Madam Tiri agreed.

Varian smiled and nodded to her. "Soon, very soon, you'll be free."

"Oh, you're talking to Madam Tiri!" Lance realized.

Varian chirruped. "I keep forgetting you can't see her. Sorry."

"Eh, it's alright." Lance shrugged. "I'll see her soon."

"You will." Varian nodded, smiling. "And, don't worry. I won't kill the princess."

"You won't?" Lance looked relieved.

"Of course not. I'm just going to battle her until Madam Tiri is freed and then I'll cage her and force her to watch as I destroy Corona and kill her father." Varian said with a smile.

Lance sighed a bit. "...Okay, Varian."


Rapunzel slowly took her hand off the wall as the shaking subsided. "What...was that?" She breathed. "It felt like...a ripple of earth." She went to look out a window. "Varian, what did you do?" She gripped the windowsill tightly and then looked down at Demanitus hard at work on his hot-air balloon. "Why am I so...apprehensive?"

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