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It was nice having a place of his own. Varian walked around the mansion, passing servants that were removing the paintings of The Baron, who was currently rotting in the woods. He smiled to himself as he rounded the corner and saw Lance hanging up a picture he'd messily painted of Varian. "Looks great, Lance."

"Yeah?" Lance grinned. "Thanks, boss!"

Varian chirruped. He had so many titles by now it was funny. He waved as he walked past him and went out to the garden, to a fountain. "Water." He walked over and placed his ungloved in it. "I should be able to manipulate it...that'll bring me one step closer to resurfacing the Kingdom."

He heard some muffled voices and giggling and walked over to look around a bush. "Don't you two have a room?"

Cassandra yelped and fixed her shirt before getting up. "Sorry. It was his idea." She fled inside.

Andrew shrugged and followed her in.

He sighed and went back to the fountain, kneeling on the ground to dip his hands into the water. 'Focus...look within yourself...' He thought. 'Search for the words...'

There...he heard the tune again. And the words...they came to him like the beat of his heart. He closed his eyes and started to sing, slowly lifting his hands out of the water.

"Water, lift and flow.
Let me be your guide.
Rise from where you lay.
Let the moon pull the tide.

Break from gravity.
Erode where you collide.
Fly where I design.
Let the moon pull the tide.
Moon pull the tide."

He raised his hands higher and higher, then opened his glowing eyes and smiled as he saw the water that had formed a little tower between his hands. He pulled it free of the fountain and started to dance around with it in delight, chirruping happily, before he let it go above him and got doused.

The force of it dropped him to the ground and he blinked before busting out laughing, his body rocking a bit. He heard Lance come out to see if he was okay and he just grinned at him. "I can control the water!" He cheered, dropping down into the puddle he was sitting in and splashing it happily. "I can control the water!"

Lance smiled and walked over to kneel next to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to try out a new spell?"

"I wasn't sure if it would work." Varian admitted, sitting up. Then he held out his hand over the puddle.

"Water, lift and flow.
Let me be your guide."

Lance smiled as water lifted out of the puddle and Varian shifted his hand left and right to play with it. "That's so cool."

"Mmhm." Varian smiled. "Two new powers, this trip has been very productive."

Lance chuckled. "Well, I bet you're feeling hungry after all that."

Varian nodded and got up, focusing on the water and making it return to the fountain. Then he placed his hands on his wet clothes and focused, humming. His eyes and streak glowed and then he moved his hands away, the water on his clothes leaving the cloth as he did.

"Whoa." Lance let out a low whistle.

Varian carried the water, which he'd formed into a ball, towards the fountain, struggling to keep focus. He managed to get halfway there before it fell to the garden floor and he groaned. "I need practice." He decided.

"After food." Lance lifted him up and carried him inside.

Varian smiled and nuzzled him.

"We miss something?" Cassandra asked, holding an apple as they passed her.

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