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Varian only slept a few hours, and then Lance, Cassandra, Andrew and Lance were loading up into the carriage while Varian got in front. Once the door closed, they set off for the Spire, Madam Tiri leading the way.

"So...we're following an invisible lady that only Varian can see to a building called the Spire that none of us know how to get to." Lance said, looking out the front window at Varian. "I mean, at least when he was going to Corona I knew the way. I have no idea if we're going the right way or not."

"We'll just have to trust in 'Madam Tiri' to lead us." Cassandra said, peeling an apple with a knife.

"She's never steered him wrong before." Andrew shrugged. Cassandra offered him a piece of apple and he accepted it, eating it with a smile.

Lance looked at them and smiled. "Aww. Should I go out there and sit with him, give you two some privacy?"

"I think Varian would tell you to come back in here and make sure we keep our hands to ourselves." Cassandra laughed.

"He told me that he'd only turn off the armor if we didn't 'mess around' in his carriage again." Andrew shrugged.

"Oh." Lance said in understanding.

They suddenly felt a jolt and looked out to see that Varian had stopped again. Cassandra opened the door and looked out. "What's wrong?"

"I need to build a bridge over this canyon." Varian replied. "It'll cut a lot of time, she said." He got down and walked over to the edge, where he knelt to the ground and started to sing, his streak and eyes glowing as he did.

"Crescent high above,
Evolving as you go.
Raise what lies beneath,
And let the darkness grow.

Bend it to my will.
Consume the sunlight's glow.
Rise into the sky,
And let the darkness grow.
Let darkness grow."

"I don't think I will ever get over how cool that kid's powers are." Andrew remarked, leaning against the carriage as a black-rock bridge formed across the canyon.

"Does he have to sing it every time, though?" Cassandra asked. "I mean, why not just chant it?"

Lance shrugged. "I haven't asked. Why don't you ask him when he's done?"

"Maybe I will." Cassandra nodded.

Varian finished and then pushed himself to his feet with the staff before he wobbled and fell back with a moan. Lance ran forward and caught him and cradled him in his arms. "You've been using so much magic." He cooed, carrying him back to the carriage. "Why don't you let someone else drive and you can rest?"

"No one else can see her..." Varian said, shaking his head. "And I need to leave the trail for her."

Cassandra frowned. "So, she really can't be visible to anyone else?"

Varian looked around. "Madam Tiri?"

Cassandra gasped a blue woman flickered into view, her form completely transparent. She walked up to Varian and cupped his cheek before turning to Cassandra.

"Can you hear me, daughter of Gothel? Surely, you must harbor some magic in you?"

"I...Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you." Cassandra nodded.

"I will siphon some of your innate magic to fuel my own, and you will lead the way while Varian rests. Of course, this will mean that the trail will end, but I suspect they will find their own way to the Spire."

Cassandra nodded and got in front. "Lead the way."

Lance carried Varian in and Andrew got him some water to drink before shutting the door. Cassandra set off with a "Hyah!" and they crossed the bridge Varian just created to continue on to the Spire.

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