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𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬
Tessa called the Mikaelsons and the whole McCall to help find Ryland and Hope. Luckily none of the McCall asked questions about the Mikaelsons being there.

Frey's did a tracking spell using Tessa, Klaus and Hayley blood to help find them but that would take longer and all the witches in the room.


Ryland tugged on the chains as the people kept injecting her with different liquids. Her vision was blurry but she was able to see people in medal mask.

"Please, please" she kept repeating but each time her voice got smaller. She couldn't feel her body at this point and was pretty sure she couldn't move her body. The men didn't stop and 4 men kept injecting needles in her.

Eventually they stopped the needles seeing as she was about to pass out. Her pleas of help came out like a whisper. One of the man put something on her stomach and next thing she knew she was screaming in pain.

They would stop and then go again, after what felt like hours they stopped again. Ryland couldn't make out what was happening.

Ryland used what she had left of her voice and yelled at the men to stop as tears streamed down her eyes. She wished to wake up and this would be just a dream. She wished for her parents and Theo to comfort her and tell her it was a dream.


Hope woke up with her head pounding. Quickly realizing what happened to her, she tried to use her powers but looked at her wrist to see chains that block any supernatural creatures from using their abilities.

She looked around seeing no one in the room except seeing no one in the room not even Ryland. She screamed out for help but no one came.

Hope tried moving but it only hurt causing her to hiss out in pain. God she prayed her family realized she was missing and came to help her.

Hope just sat there not knowing what to do as everything she tried to do hurt. Hope tried to look up when she heard the door open.

Someone lift her head up not realizing him, her eyes moving to the side to see a red haired girl.

"Hey" the boy the with pale skin said as Hope ears weren't ringing that bad anymore, Hope just hummed at the boy I front of her.

"Trying to undo the chains" said the red haired girl. Both looked for ways to try and undo the chains but they couldn't find anyway. They looked around the room still can't find anything to undo the chains.

"There's nothing, you think if you use your banshee scream?" The pale boy said and Hope felt so confused.

"I don't know maybe but how am I going to scream?" She looked at Stiles with a weird look like it would work.

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