"Truth." He says.

"Um, who in the room would you kiss if you absolutely had to?" Daniel asks.

Jonah looks around the room, "Jack definitely." We all laugh. "Okay Blake truth or dare?"

Shit. "Truth." Let's play it safe how bad can this be?

"Who do you like?"

"Seriously Jonah we're not twelve." I try and wave off the question.

"Come on who?" He presses, Daniel and Corbyn look as concerned as I feel.

"I don't like anyone." I feel my cheeks growing hot.

"Blake come on we won't tell." Zach says leaning forward.

"There's this guy back home that I like but I haven't really talked to him in a while." I mean it's partially true.

"Why don't you call him?" Jack suggests. Jonah and Zach nod.

"Um one question at a time please. Corbyn truth or dare?" They let it go with a sigh. Looks like I'm choosing truth the rest of the game.

"Truth." He smiles at me. I already know who he likes... And I wouldn't want to embarrass him like that.

"Um what's the most embarrassing thing you've done?" I ask.

He goes on about a skateboarding trick gone wrong in front of a girl. We go around in the circle a few times. Each time I chose truth, forgetting about the first question. "Blake truth or dare?" Daniel asks me.

"Dare. Wait can I take it back!" I immediately realize my mistake.

"Nope!" He laughs, "kiss anyone in the room on the lips."

"Um, can I chicken?" I ask.

"No way just do it." He tells me.

I sigh and look around, my eyes meet with Zach's for only a moment but I stand up and walk towards him. He looks shocked but I turn to Corbyn. I smile at him. "You mind?" I ask him first. He just shakes his head. He leans forward as I do and our lips connect. It's quick but passionate, I kind of liked it. We pull away and I feel my face turning red I see that his is the same. I return to my seat, "okay Zach truth or dare?" I haven't asked him all game.


"Alright let someone do your hair and you have to keep it that way until the show tonight." I smirk.

"Nah make him wear it to the show too." Daniel says.

"Guys come on." Zach protests.

"You chicken over your hair?" I tease.

"Pft no, Kendra, do what you please." He turns to her and she smiles.

"Gladly." She pulls him into the bathroom and closes the door behind them.

"I think they're going to be a while, 'doing his hair.'" Jack says and I grimace at the thought. "Okay Blake back at ya truth or dare?"

"Dare." I shrug what's the worst he can do?

"Call this guy you like back home." He grins.

"Hell no what would I even say?" I ask.

"Dunno figure it out." He waves his hands for me to proceed.

I sigh and scroll through my contacts, my thumb hovers over Zach's name but I scroll past it. I decide to call my friend Luke instead. We went to high school together and he was good friends with Zach too so I guess that's close enough. Not to mention we dated once. Corbyn and Daniel look panicked as I lift my phone to my ear. Thank goodness Luke doesn't answer.
"Hey just wanted to catch up, we haven't talked in a while. Call me back whenever see ya." I end the call.

"That was a little less exciting than I thought it would be." Jack admits.

"I know, I thought she was gonna call Zach or something." Jonah says. I bust out laughing and they join me.

"Pft as if!" I laugh harder then realize I'm probably over doing it.

Zach and Kendra come back from the bathroom and his hair is just messy sticking out in random spots. He doesn't look happy but I don't think it's because of his hair. I raise an eyebrow at him and he just shakes his head.

Later, Kendra and Zach are sitting on the couch, "hey Zach can I talk to you?"

"Sure what's up?" He asks not moving from his spot.

"Um alone?" I glance at Kendra and she doesn't even look up from her phone.

He nods and retracts his arm from around her. He follows me to the back of the bus and looks at me waiting for me to speak. "What was wrong with you earlier? When you walked out of the bathroom you looked sad."

"Why would I be sad?" He asks me crossing his arms now. God he looks so muscular in his tank top. Stop Blake focus.

"I don't know that's why I'm asking. Did something happen?" I pry. He looks away. "Something did. What Zach?"

He sighs, "who was the guy from home you were talking about?" He changes the subject.

"You wouldn't know him," I lie. "and this is about you not me. Did she say something to you?" I refer to Kendra.

"What no and I know everyone you know Blake."

"Not necessarily, stop changing the subject. What happened?" I raise my voice a little so he knows I mean it.

"It just what you said. About liking me."

"What?" Now I'm confused.

"When Jonah thought you were going to call me. You laughed and said as if. I mean is it that bad to like me?" He's looking down at his shoes.

"What no! Zach I just said that because you're my best friend and it'd be weird if I liked you." I explain.

"Yeah, I just thought maybe there's something wrong with me and that's why Kendra cheated."

Oh so it wasn't about me. I guess that's good, I don't know how to feel about it. "There is nothing wrong with you Zach any girl would be lucky to be yours." I sigh internally at the thought of being his.

"Thanks Blake." He goes to walk away.

"Hey come here." I pull him into a hug and he kisses my cheek before he walks back. My cheek tingles where his lips touched me. I hold my hand to my cheek it was just a friendly kiss to him. Don't overthink it Blake.

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