Tour Continued Part 14

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"aww look at them." I hear a voice say.

"Shh you're going to wake them up!" I hear another voice say.

I open my eyes and the other four boys are standing between Zach and my bunks. "What are you guys doing?" I sit up and attempt to stretch in the small space.

"What nothing. Does Zach always snore?" I hear Jack ask, followed by a loud snore.

"Yes sir, maybe close his curtain so he doesn't know you guys were watching him like a bunch of weirdos." I suggest.

They laugh and Jonah closes the curtain. I hop off my bunk and head to the front of the bus. I'm still dressed in yesterday's clothes but everyone's already seen me so it doesn't really matter. We're driving down the road already, God I must've slept in really late. I spot Kendra sitting down so I sit across from her and look out the window. "Hey." I finally turn to her.

She glances in my direction and looks back down at her phone, "hi."

"Where did you go during the show last night?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" She looks up from her phone.

"I'm just trying to make conversation." I put up my hands.

"Hm." She doesn't say anything else after so I go back to where the bunks are.

I climb up into my bunk almost stepping on Jack's hand in the process, "sorry!"

"All good." I hear him say below me.

Zach's awake now with his curtain open. I glance over at him, he has his earbuds in and I hate to say it but he looks adorable. I mean obviously I've known that Zach was cute but I never wanted to think of him the way I do now. He glances at me and I look back to the book on my bed. I open it and start reading I only get a few lines in when my eyes wander back to him.

God what it wrong with me? I shake my head and go back to reading. Maybe if I pretend the feelings aren't there they'll go away. My phone buzzes and I look down it's Zach. I look at him but he shakes his head.

U good?

Yeah why?

You just looked
Confused ig

Nah did u talk
To Kendra


She's up front
Alone u should


He turns off his phone and goes up front. I read my book and check the time until he gets back. He texts me again.

She said she is

What did you ask

Why she was
Being distant

That's a weird
Reason if I was
Homesick I'd want
To be around people

Yeah ig Kendra
Is just different

Yeah true
Do you feel better

Eh not really
But now I know why
So we'll figure it out


I leave the conversation at that. We get to the next venue and I follow the boys off the bus. We still have a couple of hours before the show so I help them get ready. When they're finished I decide to work on some new lyrics since that's technically my other job. I'm sitting on the couch writing in my journal when I hear a gasp behind me. I immediately shut my journal and see Daniel standing behind me. "Did you just-?" I leave the question open.

"What no! I yes I'm sorry." Daniel sits on the couch next to me. We're out of ear shot of everyone else, "was that about..." He glances at Zach who's sitting at a mirror.

"Pft of course not! You're losing it man." I look away already feeling my cheeks burn.

"So I'm right. Blake there's nothing wrong with that."

"There is everything wrong with that!" I raise my voice a little too high and Zach looks in our direction. I smile and turn back to Daniel. "I can't like Zach, we're best friends AND he has a girlfriend."

"Hey best friends end up liking each other sometimes it's normal." He tries to comfort me.

"Yeah but Zach could never like me. He probably considers me as a sister."

"I highly doubt that." Daniel says looking away.

"What makes you say that?"

He bites his lip, "Daniel fess up." I cross my arms.

"I don't know I mean when he talks about you it just seems so... Personal."


"Like not in a sisterly way it's hard to describe."

Our conversation is interrupted by loud laughter. I turn to see Kendra in Zach's lap. They're taking pictures and I look away. "Even so, there's still that."

"Some relationships don't last forever." Daniel tells me and tries for a smile. "so the lyrics you wrote in our song?"

"We're about him yes, and ironically hes the one who sings it." I laugh and Daniel joins in. I look over at Zach and he's the one looking at us this time. My tone turns serious and I look back to Daniel, "you cannot tell him, promise me." I hold out my pinky in front of me.

"What are we five?" He laughs.

"I'm serious." I shake my hand again and he wraps his pinky around mine.

"Fine I promise, and if you need to talk to someone about it I'm here."

"Thanks." I pull him in for a hug. "You think the other guys know?" I whisper into his shoulder.

He shakes his head, "probably not and  if they do, they won't say anything."

Later that night the guys are performing and I look around for Kendra. Again she isn't watching. Ugh some girlfriend she is. I decide to go find her. I walk out of the backstage area and towards the dressing rooms. She wouldn't be in any of the dressing rooms so I go to the lounge area and she isn't there either.

Shit I gotta pee. I'll continue my search in a minute. I was walking to the women's bathroom when I hear a girls voice coming from... The guys bathroom? I open the door ever so slightly. My eyes grow wide and I cover my hand with my mouth before I let out a sound.

In the bathroom is Kendra but she's not alone. Shes with some guy that I've seen a few times. I think he does lights or sound not sure.

"Kendra, you are amazing." I hear the boy say.

"Oh hush." She kisses him passionately. His hands are wrapped around his waist and hers are in his hair. I quietly close the door before they notice. So that's why she's been so distant. Oh no Zach! What am I going to tell him? This will crush him! That slut I should march in there and! No Blake calm down. You have to be smart about this.

I'll tell Zach later, I just don't know when later will be.

It's Always Been YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora