Home Part 10

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"Hey mom I want you to meet someone." I call to her in the kitchen.

Corbyn looks lost so I grab his hand and lead him to the kitchen. My mom walks into the dining room and smiles. "Well who is this?" She smiles and glances at our interlocked hands.

I pull away and gesture to him, "this is my friend Corbyn he's in Why Don't We with Zach."

She walks over and hugs him, "any friend of Blake's is a friend of mine." She smiles big at him and my dad walks out.

They shake hands, "it's so nice to meet you guys." Corbyn tells them.

"You too son." My dad says, god he's so weird when I have a guy friend over that's not Zach.

"Zach's home too but he's seeing his family first, we'll probably hang out here." I tell them.

"Corbyn can borrow my bike if you guys decide to ride." My dad says.

I roll my eyes, "dad we're not twelve but thanks."

"Hey maybe I want to go for a bike ride." Corbyn says and laughs.

"Alright fine. I'll catch up with you guys later." I tell my parents and drag Corbyn back to my room. He pauses in the doorway. "you can come in." I laugh. He walks in and I pat the bed. He sits and I look around for my Christmas gifts. I retrieve Corbyn's from the pile in my closet and hand it to him.

"You didn't have to get me anything." He blushes and I laugh.

"It's nothing much." I sit next to him and he unwraps it. He gasps as he pulls out the new necklace. It's like mine but a little bit bigger with just a cross on it. "I see you guys wear this stuff all the time. I saw this one and it made me think of you. I got the other guys similar things."

"Blake this is amazing." He immediately puts it on. I smile at the sight of it on him. "I actually left your gift at home it's on your bed."

"Snooping in my room huh?" I tease.

"What no! Of course not!" He defends himself.

"It's a joke Corbyn you're so serious. Come on let's go get the bikes, we'll ride down to Zach's." We were walking back out when my mom stops me.

"Can I talk to you Blake?"

"Oh sure I'll meet you outside Corbyn." He nods and goes out the front door. "What's up?" I ask her.

"He's cute." She smirks.

"Mom no. Corbyn and I are just friends." I roll my eyes.

"He's into you though, I mean you're single why not?"

"He's in the same band as Zach if we broke up I'd have to see him all the time. Plus I don't feel that way about him." I look away from her.

"Who do you feel that way about then? You've been different since you got home."

I sigh, "no one mom, and I'm not different." I leave before she can say anymore. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about Zach so I can't tell anyone else until I know for myself. I walk out and Corbyn's sitting on the steps like I was when they pulled up. I open the garage and pull out my bike. I have to work to get my dad's out of the back of the garage. "Shit." The tires need to be pumped. "Zach has another bike at his house you can use. You can ride the bike while I run." I tell him.

But he shakes his head, "no that's not fair."

I look down at my bike and get an idea, "well I could peg you?" I offer and he laughs.

"Aren't I a little tall for that?"

"Nope come on it'll be fine. It's a short ride anyways." I climb onto the bike and plant my feet firmly on the ground. He stands on my back pegs and places his hands on my shoulders. I haven't pegged anyone bigger than me but how hard can it be?

Very hard apparently. The first time Corbyn had to jump off the bike before we crashed and we haven't even gone a foot. "I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"What yeah I'm fine!" We laugh and he gets back on. "Okay take two." I get a good push off this time and we go steady. I pick up speed so we don't tip over and we make it to Zach's in record time. Corbyn hops off right before I stop. I lay my bike in the grass and walk up to the house.

Zach answers the door. He introduces Corbyn to his parents and I tell him our plans. We head back outside and Zach gets the bikes that don't need the tires pumped up thank God. We hang out for the rest of the day until it starts getting dark. Corbyn stayed with Zach and I went home.

The next day I grabbed my bag and I was getting ready to go. I hear my mom let Zach and Corbyn in. "Blake said she needed help with something will you go help her Corbyn?" My mom asks.

"Oh sure." He walks into my room. "You need help?"

"Not really but you can chill I gotta get my toothbrush." I walk to the bathroom and overhear my mom.

"She hasn't?"

"Not that I know of, I mean her and Corbyn are probably the closest."

Me and Corbyn? What is that woman going on about?

"She just seemed different since she got home and I thought maybe it was a guy." She explains.

"Oh well it kinda was." I hear Zach say.

"Oh really which one?"

"Me." He sighs.

"What? She likes you? Do you like her?" She starts rambling.

"What no! We got in a fight and we weren't talking that's why I came home."

"Oh guess my intuition is off that never happens!"

Ugh mom shut up please I silently beg her. I grab my bathroom stuff and go back to my room. Corbyn looks away when I walk in. I hope he didn't hear them. My mom needs to learn an inside voice. "Ready?" I ask him and smile.

"Yeah, did you uh ever talk to Zach?" He asks standing up.

"No, I think I was just missing his attention." I cover. I can't like Zach.

"Oh yeah I guess that makes sense." He walked out of the room and I followed.

"We're leaving!" I call so my dad can come say bye.

He comes out of his office and hugs Zach and I bye. He shakes Corbyn's hand. I roll my eyes at the gesture. We exchange I love you's and leave. Zach's mom insisted on driving us to the airport again.

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