Chapter 52| Fanboy

Comincia dall'inizio

"I'm Annabelle. Anna for short."

"Annabelle." he reiterated. "Annabelle Johnson?"

"How do you know?"

Bassey smiled again but like he'd won a lottery this time.

"I know I've seen you somewhere. You won that Olympiad competition just months ago. I saw you on Tv."

"Oh." I blushed, "That."

"You were amazing out there." he rattled excitedly, "I watched you skate, well, I watched the highlight of it but it was awesome, you were awesome. You even won a trophy for our country and got a huge bonus."

I did get loads of cash from winning that race asides the scholarship I won. I was a walking, well sitting millionaire.

"Not much of a deal but thanks for being a fanboy."

Bassey retained the boyish smile and my toes tingled with pride. If he wanted, I'd give him as much autographs as he wanted. I found him adorable.

"This feels like a dream." he confessed, "I've always wanted to meet you after then but I never thought I actually would. I read about you on a blog too. It's one thing to represent one's country but it sort of promoted multiculturalism and I loved that. Your looks, you stood out amongst everyone. I just felt ecstatic when you received the gold medal. No offense, but I've always wondered how you got on the team when you have no Nigerian roots."

"None taken. My parents divorced years ago and my mom legally remarried a Nigerian. And when my stepdad adopted me, I naturalized as a citizen here which is why I could qualify to compete. Also, this is one sick place to meet so don't be too hard on yourself." I said and his smile fell.

"Oh. Right. Why are you here? On a wheelchair?"

"You first. What happened to your leg?"

"I... Well, I um... I tripped on a banana peel." he stuttered nervously.

"What a lame ass excuse." I mused between chuckles.

A banana peel would cause him a dislocation at worse, but this, this was a bloody cast that blurted a painful sprain to every eyes. He joined in laughing at his weak attempt at dishonesty and the air became less tensed.

"Fine." he breathed, "I fell off a bunk."

"Now that sounds painful."

"It is."

"Wanna tell me why?" I demanded and he frowned.

"Why it's painful?"

"No, stupid." I laughed, "Why you fell off a bunk."

I suddenly hoped he wouldn't ask me the details behind my wheelchair situation too.

"It's kind of embarrassing."

"Oh, don't be." I teased, "I won't judge your clumsiness."

"I wasn't clumsy." he said, failing to meet my gaze. "I was beating off to a blue film on my bunk when my hostel master walked in on me. I was caught off guard so I toppled over on instinct and my leg got caught in the bunk stairs and twisted on it's hinge. I've been here for a week."

"What?" I giggled, "You were watching porn?"

"Do you need a mic?" he mouthed dryly.

"I'm sorry." I said and shook away the laughter only to break into another fit.

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