But there was nothing of John

No websites, interviews even mentioned John in any context whatsoever. No pictures, videos, nothing.

Its like he doesn't exist.

He was a ghost

It was pretty strange. I dug some more and found a site with a picture of River and John walking down a street, probably taken by paparazzi.

Comments under the photo stated with proof and confirmation that it was not Damian. People started spinning conspiracy theories about a secret son and all that jazz. Ridiculous.

If John really was a secret child, then why send him out into the world to live in a house all alone? People could easily stalk him. Why not keep him close? Why not let him go to school in New Bostin? Why -

Wait, a better question to ask myself is why do I care?
John is a god damn 9.5, he can protect himself. Besides, I should just mind my business, John probably wouldn't want me to tamper in his life.

But I still have to wonder

Why would his father hide him from the world?


Johns P.O.V~

I hung up the call as soon as i saw the message. I don't know why Arlo asked that, but i guess he had a reason to. He's quite perceptive as far as I've seen. My brothers were successful and well known. They're good with cameras. Me? I hate people in my face  with the flashing lights, as much i don't really care, I asked my dad before he went to interviews about his book to specifically not mention me. Why? Well the show that interviewer worked for posted a tweet on their Twitter, asking for questions to ask William. One of the questions asked why he dedicated the book to his son. When he went on the show, he was asked that question. He was taken aback, but answered.

"Oh, yes. Well, I have eights sons to be exact, I dedicated it to him because he was going through a hard time at the moment...next question please!"

I watched the interview. They asked basic questions like why he wrote it, or what was the meaning behind it. I got bored and turned it off half way through.

I kinda wished I didn't get that message in the middle of the call.
Jagu: Your dad and brothers are here. The twins let them in.
I entered the elevator. So they finally came huh? Maybe it had traffic.

There reactions to this place will be priceless. What would they say? Would they turn me in? God, just thinking back to the heated conversation we had that day still brings me chills.


"I think Nathans death was staged."

The young ravenette ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He could feel their burning stares, he couldn't tell if they were out of pity, and he didn't want to know.

"John..." Alec spoke, he didn't finish though. "Okay...um...why do you say that? You went his funeral, yes? You saw the body?"

He nodded weakly. He bet that he sounded so crazy and delusional. "John?" Alec shook my shoulder. "Please say something..."

"Come with me," he snapped, stomping down the hallway, the eight trailing closely behind him.

They went to the basement, which confused William and the others. They had been around this house countless times, how had none of them noticed the basement, but they found the guns and the money and the drugs. That sent the gears in their minds ticking.

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