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So today I went out with my friends and we decided to have for lunch sushi and went to a really nice place called 'Nagoya'. I kinda like sushi except for some things but you know it's eatable. And what about you my dear readers do you like sushi?
Also some creepy hobo man approched us when we were having lunch and offered every girl on the table a flower then he said "Can you give me some money" and I said that I didn't had any to spare because sushi is kinda expensive and the man demanded that we gave the flowers back. Then we were walking all to the mall and we saw that same man going through the garbage and then smoking. Honestly I think he has some kind of disease, I mean who does this???
Oh yeah that creepy looking hobo man. And me thinking that he was just being nice.

The Y.O.L.O. BookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora