30. To Do List

Começar do início

I'm not human. Nor am I a Vampyr or Werewolf

"Are you sure about this I mean I don't have any super natural abilities" I was confused, or maybe in denial but what I knew for sure was I fall completely and utterly numb.

I couldn't feel.

"Yes I'm sure, when the doctor explained it first I didn't understand but it makes so much sense now"

I just nod.

I can't fathom anything at this moment.

"Any progress about the rogues" I asked wanting to break the tension.

He sighed and looked down.

This must be taking a toll on him.

"No we've been moving in circles, we are getting No where and its stressing the shit out of me"

I put my hand on his shoulder and i could see it affected him just as it affected me.

"I know you can do it Chase" I encouraged him.

I can't help him out in anyway.
I felt so helpless.

He looked into my eyes and nods his head then his gaze shifted to my lips.

He wanted to kiss me or maybe I had something on my lips.

To avoid the awkwardness I felt I decided to ask him a question that I've been meaning to ask.

About his gamma.

"Hey Chase can I ask you something" I said breaking him from his trance.

He nodded his head allowing me to continue.

"Does you pack have a Gamma, I mean I haven't seen him or her anywhere so I was just wondering"

he tensed. His eyes broke contact with mine.

He stood up still avoiding eye contact.

"I'm gonna go and tell the doctor that you are awake and tell the others too, they have been worried especially Jake. He blames himself for this"

He did not just ignore my question!!!!

He then stood up and walked out. I ignored his weird behaviour, I would talk to him later since we were now talking.

I felt guilty that Jake felt guilty for something that he wasn't at all responsible for. It was not his fault if anything it was mine.

I shouldn't have left without telling anyone.

I'm gonna have to talk to him.

After a few hours the nurse bought me a plate of hospital food that tasted horrible but I ate it regardless.

After I was done the nurse I think her name was Kiana came back and took my plate.

She was quite pretty with her coffee brown eyes, her dark chocolate skin and her big bright smile, she had this mystical aura to her and it wasn't because she was a werewolf....

Anyway after a few minutes of complete silence and major boredom the door opened and Adeline and Chris walked in.

Why was I not shocked that Chris was here.

"DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!" Adeline shouts angrily.

"I was so damn worried about you" she crys giving me a tight hug.

"Hey Chris" I say looking at his figure which waa standing awkwardly by the door.

I for some reason did not like bore did I trust him.

I know I was judging him too fast but ever since that day when he didn't answer my question I've been getting bad vibes when he was near.

"Hey Gem, how are you doing"

"I'm okay just carving some Cake"
I say giving him the fakest smile ever.

I look over at Adeline.

"And that cake happens to be Red Velvet"

She gasps out on horror.

I just laugh at her reaction.
And continued to talk to her.i missed her so much.

I could feel Chris staring at me, his gaze was weird look and slightly confusing to understand. He looked at me as if he was trying to remeber a distant memory. More a nostalgic look but not in a good sense.

When I looked at him he would just look at his phone and act like he wasn't looking at me in the first place.

I'm gonna have to figure him out. He is hiding something.

I mentally add his name to my to do list.

1. Find out why the pack doesn't have a Gamma or a future one.
2. Find out what I am
3. Find my real parents.
4. Find out what Chases powers are and why he wasnt telling me.
5. Find out my relationship status with Chase
6. Learn how to become a proper Luna.
7. Find dirt on Chris.

Why couldn't my life just go the way I wanted it to for once.

After catching up with Adeline who said I apparently was out of it for one week they left.

Alone again.

Few hours of being completely bored Jenna and Mr Travis came to visits then later on Chase came to.

He told me the doctor said that I'd  be released tomorrow.

Thank Goodness.

Thank Goodness

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More Then Just BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora