Ivan stands there boredly ,he doesn't even know why he was called.His daughter Katya seems to be involved but I think the main people here are Elanora and Marina.Elanora looks unbelievably bored.Marina on the other hand looks pissed.This is actually entertaining.Adrian,Adam,and Lorenzo look calm but worried.Martin just looks lost.Marcos,Romano,and Lucas look very murderous.

"Let's not lie Marina you know why I punched you , I'll do it again if I have to get the truth out of you"Elanora mutters emotionless looking at Marina who looks pale.

"THAT DID NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO PUNCH MY DAUGHTER"Pablo screams at Elanora who only raises her eyebrows in confusion.

Vince immediately clenches his jaw in anger ,how dare he speak to my daughter like that.

"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE SCREAM AT MY DAUGHTER PABLO"Vince yells pointing his finger at Pablo who looks away.

"I SUGGEST YOU KEEP YOUR DAUGHTER IN CHECK VINCE"Pablo screams back to Vince who looks murderous .

Everyone watches as the Spanish mafia leader and the Italian mafia leader go at it.There both raging at each other .

Lorenzo clenches his jaw as he feels guilty,he shouldn't have told Marina anything.None of this would've happened if he had just kept his mouth shut.

"DONT FORGET WHO YOUR TALKING TO PABLO"Vince mutters pissed off at Pablo who looks away .Vince was always first place and he'll make sure to use that at his advantage , no one and I mean no one will disrespect his principessa.

"THEN TELL YOUR DAUGHTER TO KEEP HER HANDS TO HERSELF OHH WAIT SHE CANT"Pablo mutters glancing at Vince who is seconds away from murdering him.

Elanora cannot believe Pablo just insulted her.She can't but let rage take over her.

Everyone watches as Elanora stands up turning around and grabbing Matheos gun.She points the gun at Pablo who looks taken back.Everyone stands up watching as Elanora points the gun at Pablo the Spanish leader.

"DONT EVER DISRESPECT ME AGAIN PABLO AND YOU DONT KNOW SHIT SO - SI TE PUEDES IR A LA PUTA MIERDA"(so yeah you can go to fucking hell),Elanora mutters murderously to Pablo who only clenches his jaw in anger.

"AND MARINA DONT FUCKING LIE YOU PROVOKED ME"Elanora mutters out giving Matheo his gun back.

"Because you lied to Lorenzo"Marina mutters out back to Elanora who rolls her eyes.

"That was none of your business"Elanora mutters glancing at Lorenzo who looks away from her intensifying stare.

"It is hes my brother"Marina says glaring at Elanora.

Lucas just sits there knowing he did nothing wrong.He sits there enjoying watching there arguments with Marcos and Romano who look intrigued as well.

Marcos sits there patiently enjoying the back and fourth arguments.Hes just pissed off he didn't get to hit Lorenzo who threw a hard punch at Elanora.

Romano for once is actually entertained watching drama.He snaps his head back and fourth watching as they all argue intensely.

Matheo is impressed on his baby sister.He watched as she defended herself like a queen should.

Adam and Adrian watched impressively as the two mafias go at it back and fourth.

Martin looks around confused as to why he's here.Hes never seen an argument as impressive as Elanora.She knows how to defend herself but he can't say the same about his twin tho.Marina is more of a girly girl.But he will always be on his twins side. Blood before anything.Even tho he knows this is her fault.

"WHY DID YOU EVEN SAY YES TO MY BROTHER WHEN YOU WERE ALREADY WITH SOMEONE"Marina screeches making everybody's ears wince in slight pain.

Elanora suddenly looks away from Marina and towards Pablos brown orbs.


"BETTER QUESTION IS WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU PABLO"Elanora yells pointing a finger at Pablo who looks away suspiciously and to think he's a fucking mafia leader.

Enjoy 😊
Thanks for reading

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