Siyeon kept the same posture, even though she was tired, but she didn't change ...

She wanted to hold Bora like this forever ...

Next morning….

The sun peeked through the trees, the sea breeze was drifting, crept into the fluttering curtains.

Siyeon woke up from a long sleep, she didn't know what time she fell asleep, and what time it was now. Right at this moment, she just wanted to be quiet, still hug Bora, and let time pass….

Time for her, was no longer meaningful.

The whole scene currently only exists the sound of sea breeze, focused listening, really there is a peace somewhere. But interspersed with the sea breeze, there was a strange noise coming from the left side of Bora’s chest ...

The bottom of Siyeon's eyes moved slightly, since she was leaning on Bora’s right side, she couldn't hear Bora clearly, she put her ear to Bora’s left chest ...

Really… there was a heart beat.

- Bora… .Bora - Siyeon called Bora, kept calling, calling it all the time, not seeing her answer, she was still like that, but surely her heart is still beating….

Siyeon raised her hand to Bora’s nose, breathing, though very little ...

She got up and called Yoobin.


Yoobin after being at Siyeon’s house for a few minutes, she's here for the first time ...

Yoobin took Bora's pulse, checked her breathing, made some movements, ...

- She is still alive.

- Really? - Siyeon sighed in relief, in her heart extremely excited, her heart was nervous as if she wanted to jump out ...

- Please wait for me a minute ..

Yoobin went home, called her father with her, Mr. Lee Myungsoo, along with some very big equipment. They did a general examination for Bora, an ultrasound, a reading, a blood test, after an hour ...

- In this girl there is a virus, and it is running slowly to each part, going anywhere destroying there, and the structure of this virus I cannot understand, extremely complicated, I have not ever encountered such a configuration - Mr. Myungsoo squinted at the screen and said

- She was injected with a blue solution, called Boca, that created the virus - Siyeon said.

- Who invented this solution? - Yoobin asked

- Her boss, this person is named Kim Minji.

- With its movement speed, about 1 week later, the entire body will be destroyed, it is moving in a zigzag line, the final destination will be the heart.

Siyeon with her eyes turned into a panic, there's only one more week left ...

She really has to find Kim Minji ...

- Yoobin, I asked you to do something.


Siyeon arrived in Switzerland, she rummaged all of Bora's personal belongings at home, had a few folders related to Yoohyeon, had an encrypted laptop, and luckily, Siyeon found the password of this laptop, is her birthday.

Siyeon saw in a laptop with a history of copying data, copied from another laptop located in the Bern Plateau, Switzerland, maybe Lee Gahyeon took Bora's laptop when she kidnapped Bora. In the data, is everything about Yoohyeon in more detail, fixed residence address, phone number, workplace, ...

Siyeon stood in front of Yoohyeon's house, pretending to be the voice of a deliveryman, and the one who opened the door, fortunately, was Kim Minji.

- Lee Siyeon? - Minji saw Siyeon, very surprised, then planned to close it. Siyeon quickly blocked the door and broke into the house without permission.

Siyeon with sky-high energy, she grabbed Minji's shirt collar, and pushed Minji against the wall beside her.

End chapter 24.    

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