chapter 18

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Chapter 18.

- Go find Kim Yoohyeon for me.

SuA was stunned ..

- Are you ... going to get out of the job for real?

- Yes, I'm all ready, you want to come with me - JiU looked at SuA with expectant eyes.

- No, I will find Kim Yoohyeon for you, live happily with her, the day you are happy will be the day I die, just make up your mind - SuA said and turned away, making JiU purses her lips in thought.

- Why are you putting me in such a dilemma, anyway, the document I gave you a few months ago, go get it back, it's Yoohyeon's learning history document, from there you go find her.

- All right ... - SuA sluggishly got up, drove back to Paradise.

The documents JiU sent to her, she left there, so she had to go back to get ...

And not as expected, SuA returned, a familiar image caught her eye.

That blue car again ...

Lee Siyeon again, why did she come back here ...

That figure again, standing on the grass, waiting for her, for what, to ask further questions ...?

This time it was a little different, it was late afternoon, it was very sunny. Lee Siyeon's beauty is the same, still shining, still gorgeous and wonderful.

- What are you here for? - skip the greeting, SuA went straight to the topic, she didn't want to spend any more time on things that hurt her.

Siyeon saw her, said nothing, hugged her, then cried again ...

Siyeon always have such terrible tears ...

Can… stop crying? so that she won't be softened. She really wants to hug Siyeon back, but she can't do it.

Or is it Siyeon’s new love that doesn't bring her happiness, so she keeps coming back here all the time?

- Bora, where have you been all month now? I couldn't call you, it was already on fire when I went to the Piri fried chicken shop.

It's true, for the past month, Siyeon couldn’t find her anymore, could she tells Siyeon, she’s in a place called Paradise's enemy?

- I miss you, I miss you so much, I have been back here for a month, I waited for you to come back, but I did not see you.

- ... ..

- You stop loving me, so you stopped talking to me, right? – Siyeon keeps crying

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