chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

Another month passed, SuA woke up tired, she went to the kitchen, drank a glass of water, then went back to the bedroom. Siyeon's diary is placed in the corner of the table in the corner of the bedroom, SuA pauses for a few seconds, she was curious to see what the notebook was written about, and then she was not curious anymore.

Now that Siyeon isn't here anymore, can she read it out ...?

The book is very thick….

“Monday, dd / mm / yyyy

Today is the first day of my new class, the class is full of girls, that's just what I meant. They are all very sociable, good at studying, and pretty too, but no one is as beautiful as Bora. But Bora just got pretty, nothing else.

Wednesday dd / mm / yyyy

I take back the sentence from the previous day, Bora cooks very well, I don't like to eat much, but she cooks so well, so I eat like a pig. In addition to good cooking, she also has good taste, she buys beautiful clothes for me, and the clothes she wears to work are also beautiful and cool.

Thursday dd / mm / yyyy

Today the classmates asked me where my house is, I told them that my house was as beautiful as paradise, and they couldn't believe it. Why don't they believe that, the house of Bora is as beautiful as a paradise, next to the sea, next to the mountain, there is a large lawn in front of the house, and the house is wide and open. Actually, Bora's house is much nicer than Lee's parents' house, her car is expensive too, the car has only 2 seats, for me and her, it seems like she’s an anonymous billionaire or something, because her name is not famous on television.

Saturday dd / mm / yyyy

Now that i have just discovered one thing, that is, Bora can laugh and can make jokes, and she laughs very beautiful, even her teeth are white, it seems like she took good care of herself.

Monday dd / mm / yyyy

I know that Bora is very pretty, but today there is a new classmate transferred to my class, as beautiful as her, that girl named Jisoo, Jisoo’s talking is cute too, really dead, I have a crush on Jisoo.

Friday dd / mm / yyyy

I successfully gave chocolates to Jisoo, oh yeah, but because I was so overwhelmed, I ran away right after that, forgot to say a few words to her, I'm so absent-minded. It's so sad, but okay, next to me there is a beautiful person named Bora, I don't have any losses.

Sunday dd / mm / yyyy

Bora has a bad habit that she can't always fix, that is, she often comes home late at night. I used to have Captain teddy bear sleeping next to me, now it's Bora teddy bear, but she kept getting out of bed so early, how could I sleep well. She keeps making me sleep early, if she doesn't come home early, how can i sleep early, it's so contradictory.

Tuesday dd / mm / yyyy

I'm going to college, I'm not focused on studying but I can pass Utopia, I'm so smart haha, it's a pity to say goodbye to my pretty girlfriends, but that's okay, Bora stays with me, that's enough. I like Bora so much. Should I try to eat a lot to be bigger than her, be taller than her, heavier than her? You must be like that, Lee Siyeon!

Saturday dd / mm / yyyy

I read somewhere online, that if you like someone, please bother them a lot, and make a lasting mark about that person. Okay, I decided to get some tattoos on my body, I asked Bora to dye my hair, and I asked Bora to do my nail art. But I admit that she is really stubborn, she hides the date of her birth, I intend to tattoo her date of birth on my back, but she did not say. Well, I got a temporary tattoo of the year of birth

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