Harry looked behind him, Draco was almost catching up. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed that, instead of a frowning and sending him death glares like when they were having a match, Draco was displaying a soft smile. Harry was so startled that he did not react when Draco suddenly dived. When his soft smile changed into a big victory grin as he caught the Snitch, he turned back, excited to see Harry's probably shocked expression, but he was not right behind him: he was still a few meters away, his mouth wide open.

"Why are you so far? Did you stop?" Draco's blood was boiling, and Harry slowly nodded.

"Why?" He protested, flying in his direction.

"Why aren't you like you usually were?"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't look upset, like you used to be when chasing the Snitch... You were smiling." Harry could feel his cheeks warm up.

"Well, I was... Having fun."

He looked up and was surprised to see Draco showing a wide grin. He slowly nodded, and the grin disappeared.

"However, this doesn't count as a victory since you stopped." He spelled a quick Tempus. "But we don't have enough time to pursue this little game."

"How can I make up to you?" Responded Harry in a sarcastic tone, a smirk on his face.

"Let's meet next week and rematch."

Harry nodded, and with a soft smile on his face, held out his hand. "The match is reported to next week then."

Draco shook his hand. "Yes, it is."


"What were you doing again, Harry?" Said Hermione as soon as he arrived, her eyebrows frowned in worry.

"After yesterday's events I really needed to let off some steam, so I went out and flied for some while."

"Told you 'Mione." Chuckled Ron. "But in this weather? Mate you're crazy."

Harry laughed at his friends, after so many years, they were used to his weird habits but would still worry every time.

"Did your nose bleed again?" Asked Hermione, whispering.

He nodded. "Nothing too bad though, I fixed it the muggle way." He stayed silent for a moment. "There's also something I need to tell you." Leaning forward, he started to count them his morning.

"You were flying with Malfoy?" Whispered Ron, horrified.

"I was."

His two friend's eyes were wide open, it was obvious that they were unsure of what to think.

"So..." Started Hermione. "Does that mean he accepted our proposition?"

Harry nodded. "He said he thinks we're right, and that we shouldn't fight anymore."

The delicate redness of his cheeks did not go unnoticed, but his friends chose not to mention it. In fact, even if they had wanted too, they would not have had the time.

"Potter, Granger, Weasley. May I?"

They turned their heads in surprise, and as Harry slowly nodded, Draco sat next to him.

"Blaise and Pansy should join us in no time."

The three Gryffindors nodded, but stayed silent, sharing confused glares. Malfoy was right, his friends arrived a couple of minutes later. Zabini sat next to Hermione, and Parkinson made her way around the table to sit with the two Seekers.

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