2. In The Wind

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The men's changing room's door was wide open. It seemed empty to Harry but he peeked in just in case. In front of him, a tall blond man was changing. He had his back turned, and what a back. He could not help but stare.

Draco's pale skin and sharp muscles disappeared under a t-shirt. "Enjoying the view, Potter?"

Harry looked up. In the mirror, Draco was smirking at him.

"I was just looking to see if someone else was here, it's not what you think! I wasn't looking at you..."

"Of course, of..." He paused. "Potter, what the hell? Your nose is bleeding again. For Merlin's sake, let's go to the Hospital Wing..." He said, walking. towards Harry - who was so surprised by the sudden worry that he could not move.

"Potter! Your nose."

Harry got back to his senses. "Let's just be content with the muggle way." He said, rushing towards a sink.

The blood slowly stopped dripping and he finished washing his face. He took a sip of potion then turned to Draco.

"Now, will you tell me what that sudden panic was all about?"

Draco's cheeks reddened slightly as he lowered his look. "Well, er... I figured out that you guys might be right and that we shouldn't fight anymore..."

Not getting any answer, he looked at Harry who's jaw had dropped. The latter got his senses together and responded. "That doesn't answer my question."

"Maybe I didn't answer because I don't have anything to say." He backfired.

Harry could not help but laugh at his reaction.

"What is it?" Pouted Draco.

"Nothing," answered Harry with a light smile, "let's fly."

Draco nodded and they both headed out, their hair ruffled by the strong autumn wind.


"Where's Harry?" Asked Hermione when Ron arrived in the Great Hall.

"I don't know," he yawned, "probably on his broomstick somewhere in the park."

"In this weather? He must be crazy."

"Well, that's how our Harry is, remember?"

She smiled at her friend. Sometimes, she missed their relationship... But she knew in her heart that they were meant to be friends and that what she missed was not her relationship with Ron, but having a boyfriend. He was very sorry when they broke up, and lost. But Hermione did her best to understand and helped him as much as she could. He was her friend before and after all.


"Let's see who can catch it first." Said Harry, freeing the Snitch. 

Draco nodded. "On three. " He then said. "One, two... three!"

The race started and they both took off. Harry had an obvious advantage with his Firebolt but Draco was not planning to abandon. "I'll show him what I can do."

The cold wind was messing up their hair while they were flying, one trying to exceed the other. For the first time, Draco genuinely enjoyed being on his broom. Usually, he would find it thrilling and would want to win no matter what, but this time, it was different. It was not only about competition, it was about the moment, and his heart was lighter than ever.

Harry took a rough turn on the left, avoiding the goals while Draco flew trough the main one. For a moment, he thought that this little mistake would make him lose, but he did not give up.

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