"Let's talk to the doctor, maybe she has an idea..." he suggested and I approved. We went to her room. I nocked on the door and opened it, she welcomed us.

"We need to ask you something..." I started, "I was in coma for the past twenty years... I woke up when my grandson accidentally took off my oxygen tube..." I wanted to explain first before telling her what we are planning on doing if possible. "Mr. Black, I know your story. Ms. Dila told me the whole thing. In fact, she asked me something... and I was waiting another day to watch her condition." She told us as she pulled out a paper. "I wrote down what she said to read it for you."

"I am afraid something happen, if anything bad happen please save my baby..." she looked at us. "I told her that I can't do this and our priority is to save the mother no matter what... so she answered me. Let Ashton decide then and I know he will save my baby..."  she sighed. "This part is harder so please stay calm." She warned us and I looked at Dominic. We nodded for her to continue. "If there was any complications during the birth and I ended up in coma, like you said..."

"What does she mean like you said?" I asked her and she looked at me confused. "Didn't Dila tell you that her pregnancy was in danger?" She asked and we shook our head no. "She had a very bad pregnancy for her first baby, so when we advised her to take it easy... after nine months she was pregnant again... she was in danger of having an abortion, so when she reached her sixth month I told her she might bleed and if that ever happened, then she should contact me and head to the nearest hospital. I was clear when I warned her, I am now shocked that you didn't know!" She told us and I had tears in my eyes. My little girl didn't show us anything. She didn't want us to get worried... "you are saying that you expected that? Where was Ashton?" Dominic asked angrily.

"Yes we were expecting her to bleed as the fetus grow, her placentae is weak so we expected this thing... and during birth if she bled out fast she would end up in coma as we expected.... her husband wasn't with her." She informed us. "Oh my god!" Dominic whispered as he Clenched his hand.

"What did she tell you to do?" I asked her and she nodded. "If there was any complications during the birth and I ended up in coma, like you said... please you either try to wake me up or let me die... I can't wake up after twenty years finding out half my family died and the other half is twenty years older... remove the tube from me and let me either breathe or die."  She looked at us, "I will get consult on her condition, but as I said Tomorrow we will cut her machine if you agree." She asked us and I sniffed. "What is the possibility she might die?" I asked and she sighed. "After I get consult, I'll tell you for sure... we will let you inside her room for goodbyes Tomorrow morning." She said lastly and we went out. "I can't lose her." Dominic said. "I am going to kill Ashton, where was he when she knew about this?" Dominic questioned raging in anger.

"Can't you see what's going on? Ashton chose Amaryllis over his own daughter, so... Amaryllis chose to hide this from him so he won't force her to abort." I said and Dominic looked away. "She hid this from all of us so we won't force her..." he whispered, I saw his eyes watering again.

"She is strong, she will wake up I feel it." I told him hoping it's going to be that way.

"I hope so.."  Dominic whispered, we went to where Ashton was, he was holding his daughter. We agreed on not telling him now, the nurse approached us and she gave Ashton a bottle. "You need to feed her... the doctor agreed to let her in with her mother," she said and Ashton nodded. He started feeding her, After he was done. The nurse took her and put her in her nursery. She took her inside and put her on Dila's chest.

In the morning, the doctor came and her face didn't show good news at all. "How is Eva?" She Asked us, we looked at her confused. "Who?" Ashton asked. "Your daughter? Didn't Dila tell you what she wants to name her?" She asked us and we stared at her dumbfounded.

"She told me if the baby was a girl then she wants to name her Eva.. and if the baby was a boy then his name will be Andrew..." she said and Ashton was sniffing now. "She wanted to name him after my father." He whispered and looked through the window at her.

"So her name is Eva after all..." I said to myself smiling.

"She is okay, when can I go in?" Ashton asked her, she looked at me and Dominic and we shook our head, she understood that we didn't tell him. "We will let you in this morning... let everybody come please... we will let each one by one go in and then we will try to make her wake up." She explained. "What do you mean try to wake her?" Ashton asked and she sighed. "We are going to cut her machine and see if she wakes up."

"If? So there is a chance she might not make it through... no, I do not approve." Ashton demanded, "she is my wife and you can't do it without my permission." He yelled. "Calm down Ashton! It's not your decision, it's ours!" Dominic hissed at him. "She is his daughter and my niece... she has parents-"

"Oh yeah! Then let me tell Vanessa and James you are going to kill their daughter." Ashton yelled as he took out his phone. "Pa-pa." I heard Xavier voice, I looked at him and he ran to Ashton who picked him up crying. Vanessa and James looked at us. "What did he mean by killing our daughter?" James asked calmly.

"She isn't going to die, she'll wake up!" I rolled my eyes. "You are going to cut her machine?" Vanessa asked the doctor. "What is her chance to make it?" She asked. "It's not very high-"

"Then we could wait until it get higher." She stated. "You don't understand, if we didn't do it she might stay in coma for twenty years!" I said as I approached her. "She is my daughter-"

"No! She is my daughter and I think I can feel her right now, she wants to wake up!" I said as I felt my blood pressure going higher. "Your daughter?! I am sorry but that girl inside is my sister and a mother of two childs... I think the best to decide is her, and no one else..." Mason said from behind. "Did she asked you for anything doctor?" He asked the doctor. "She asked me to cut her machine and not let her in coma for too long." She announced to everyone.

"Okay, we should all respect her decision! No one here is going to say anything more." Josh said looking sternly at all of us. "Can we see her now?" Mason asked and the doctor nodded. She took him and he wore hospital clothes then went inside. He kissed her hand and talked for a while then went out.

Josh walked after him and stayed a while. When it was my turn, I pleaded her to wake up, then I looked at her for one last look before leaving. Ashton walked lastly as he hugged her crying, then he put Xavier beside her, he looked upset and then started crying when the doctor told him to leave. He tried to hold the sheets.

When they walked out, Ashton was holding him to his chest as he cried silently.

The doctor nodded at us when she turned off her machine and took the oxygen tube from her mouth.

Her heart was beating, and everything was normal for a second until I saw the line... the straight line, I knew I have lost my daughter.

Ashton dropped to the ground as he hold Xavier to his chest. Her mother pumped on the window screaming for her as her husband tried to stop it. Dominic was facing the wall and I knew he was crying as Josh comforted him. I didn't have anyone beside me but Mason who was sobbing.

The doctor closed the curtain and all I heard was the straight line sound...

Don't die, I can't lose you too... please.... I need you Amaryllis!

I need you my baby...


The final chapter before Epligoue... guys I tried to edited fast and I am sorry for the mistakes...

I want to thank DeadlyDarkAngelWings for her ideas... because I talked to her I knew how the end will be so huge thank you 💜

Epligoue will be out soon... I am so thankful for your support... 😍

Hope you guys enjoyed reading...

Till Epligoue~


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