18: She's our friend and she's crazy!

Start from the beginning

"Alright, I'll let them go. But first, it's your turn." Troy said.

"My turn? For what?" Mike asked, confused.

"Piss yourself. Jump. Or toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist and beautiful's arms get dislocated. That way, she's defenceless against me and we can really go have some alone time." Troy said.

I wasn't gonna lie, it did feel like my arms were going to dislocate.

"Shut your face, Troy!" Dustin yelled in anger, quickly regretting it when Troy pressed the knife closer to his mouth.

Mike walked over to the edge of the quarry.

But a jump like that would almost be one hundred percent fatal, the water would hit him like concrete.

"Wait, Mike don't!" I said.

"I'll cut him right now!" Troy yelled at Mike.

"Okay, just hold on! Hold on!" Mike yelled.

Mike neared the cliffs edge again.

Shit, Mike.

"Mike, no. I don't kneed my baby teeth, they're coming in anyways." Dustin said frantically.

"Yeah, and we can just pop my arms back into place! It'll be fine!! We have a hospital for a reason, Michael. Mike, seriously!" I yelled at him feverishly as he continuously got closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Mike, stop!" Dustin and I said in unison.

"Dentists office opens in five! Four! Three! Two!" Troy yelled.

And then, he jumped.

"One!" Troy yelled.

Troy let go of Dustin and James let go of me.

We all raced over, not believing he had actually done that.

"Holy shit." Dustin and I said in sync.

There Mike was.

But he wasn't falling.

He wasn't screaming.

And he wasn't dead.

He was suspended in mid air, floating.

Then I realized what was happening.


"Woah!" Mike exclaimed as he floated upwards and landed on his feet beside me.

We all turned to see an angry El, walking towards us.

She squinted her eyes and sent James flying into a tree.

She got closer, and flicked her head, a loud snap sounding from Troy's arm.

Troy screamed.

"My arm!!! She broke my arm!!!" He yelled.

"Go." El said.

"Let's get out of here! Let's go!" Troy said, as he and James ran away.

"Yeah, that's right! You better run! She's our friend and she's crazy! You come back here and she'll kill you! You hear me? She'll kill you, you sons of bitches!" Dustin yelled after them.

I quickly snapped back into my senses and turned to El, who was now laying on the ground.

"El are you okay? El?" Mike said as I ran up to her.

"Mike... I'm sorry" El sniffed, looking like she was about to cry.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" Mike asked with a soft smile.

"The gate... I opened it. I'm the monster." She said.

I kneeled down next to El.

"No, El. Your not the monster. You saved us. Do you understand? You saved all of us." I explained to her softly.

Mike grabbed me and pulled El and I into a hug, letting a few tears slip on my shoulder as Dustin came down and hugged all of us.

El softly smiled as we rode our bikes home.

We biked past a white van that had 'Hawkins Light and Power' painted on the side.

We managed to sneak El back down into the basement, where I went back upstairs and made her some eggos.

Little did we know that about five vans from the lab were headed our way.

Word count: 1020

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