Live a Little

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2 Hours Later

"You fucking cheated I swear I saw you look at one of those cards"

"Don't act all innocent like you didn't flirt with the booth guy to get the fastest mini car!" I spat back.

The air was crisp and cool. People and children could be seen chatting everywhere. It was a good fun atmosphere. These past few minutes, my mind has been at ease finally. Yes I'm still a bit paranoid here and there but I just thank God that I'm not going crazy yet over the future that is to come.

And I'm happy to have Alex by my side who's been caught off guard. The girl quickly changes her attitude when seeing the sly grin on my face before speaking again with full confidence.

"Don't hate the player hate the game sweetheart" Alex shrugged and I could help but let out a small laugh.

I had clearly won this argument.

"Let's go on a rollercoaster already, its getting late"

My stomach turned and for some seconds I tried to quickly make up another excuse to not go on that damn ride.

But I was left with no more creativity for the night.

"I'm not ready yet"

"Well I am, now keep up bitch!" she grabbed my hand and made me run with her to the biggest ride I'd ever seen in person.

I took a second to breath, puffs of white water vapor smoke from my mouth filled the air. Meanwhile Alex was looking at the ride with big doll eyes. The lights reflected and shined in those brown circles.

"Come on already the line is getting longer by the second"

She ran to the line of people and I trailed behind her, trying my hardest to keep up. Damn the girl was fast. How dare she make me run knowing I've been in bed eat ice cream for days. After waiting in line for a few minutes, finally it was our turn. We both went in the double seater and put on our seat belts and put down the thick metal safety round.

My heart was beating like crazy, and hands shaking. Trust me it wasn't from cold.

"You ready?!"

She sounded like a precious child on Christmas morning. I looked to my right and the girl had on the biggest smile, showing off all those pearly whites. Her eyes were sparkling, literally. How is that possible when you know you're about to be tons of feet in the air?!

"no" I said with a gulp.

Alex held my hand and I looked at the fuckjng sky while saying a quiet prayer.



The ride didn't start slow and get faster as time passed, that bitch started fast, literally zooming. Going up and down there was no pause, no time for me to breath or even think. I felt the wind flow through my hair and never stop. It was an exhilarating thrill that was terrifying and made my heart beat faster than fast.

We were so high up, high.

My insides scruched into a ball for all the times I saw that we were getting close and closer to the moon.
I felt so free and alive from the sling shot of velocity on every drop and sick from everything.
And by sick I mean, throw up was at the tip of my throat. I don't want to be that pussy that barfs on the ride and ruins it for everybody but its gonna come out SOON.

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