The Party🎊🎉

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"Wow! Look at how big everything is!" Haruhi yelled, pointing at the many tall buildings. Bakugo snorted.
"Everything's big to you, squirt."
"You're wrong! I saw a spider one time and I know that it was small!"
"Alright, you two, let's not fight. I'll let you and your mom while I find a parking spot. Katsuki, why don't you help your sister with her carseat?" Masaru suggested. Katsuki grunted and reached over to release the childproof seatbelt. They stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk.
"It says on the invite that the party is around the corner from here. You guys know the rules, right?" Mitsuki asked, ironing their clothes and wiping their faces.
"Be on our best behavior and try not to do anything that could cause a scandal." They recited monotonously.
"Good. Now let's go." They walked towards the flashing lights.
"Mrs. Bakugou, you and your children look stunning! How do you do it?" A reporter asked balancing a notebook on his other hand. Mitsuki gave a small laugh.
"Well hard work to be honest! These two knuckleheads are definitely not the easiest ones to dress, they're so lucky that they were blessed enough to look good in whatever they wear." Katsuki resisted the urge to yell at the reporter when he shoved a microphone into his face.
"Is it scary to be here tonight, young man?"
"Tch. I wouldn't get scared of a party." He replied, looking unbothered with his hands in his pockets. The reporter jotted his response down and backed off, sensing that the kid didn't want to answer questions. They walked through the sea of reporters to a table labeled "Bakugou's". They sat down, soon joined by Masaru. Haruhi poked her brother's side, getting his attention.
"It's too loud. I don't like it." She said. Her hands were covering her ears and she was constantly looking around to try and find the root cause of the noise.
"I know, squirt. It'll calm down when people start to speak on the stage. Just relax." He replied. Mitsuki gave a supportive pat on the back. As if they had simply wished it into existence, a petite girl walked in front of the tables.
"Hi everyone! Thank you so much for coming out to the 14th annual hero awards!" The crowd cheered, excited that the show was about to start.
"The first award is for the real heroes....the fashionistas of the hero world!" A collective chuckle ran through the crowd.
"For Best Design, we have Mitsuki and Masaru, owners of Bakugo Inc.! Let's get around oof applause for them!" Bakugo clapped handily, not being able to control the swell of pride welling up in his chest. Those were his parents. At the very least, they weren't duds. They walked up to the stage, waving to cameras.
"We'd just like to say..." They started. Haruhi squirmed around in her seat, trying to keep cool and not disrupt things again. But between the loud clapping and the swirling feeling stomach, she let out a small whine. Her brother's head whipped around.
"Are you okay? Is it the noise?" He asked protectively. He looked like he would tell everyone there to shut up if it wasn't for the many cameras. She nodded, then stopped.
"It's still too loud but now I gotta go potty." She said, albeit quietly so nobody would hear her dilemma.
"Can you hold it for a little while? If we walk out in the middle of their speech we'll look rude." He whispered back.
"Can Katsu hold my ears with his hands so it won't be loud?" She said hopefully, already inching towards him.
"Fine. C'mere so we can listen." She climbed into his lap and he put his scarred hands over her ears, covering them.
" conclusion, thank you so much for this award and we couldn't have done it without you!" The happy couple walked off the stage and back to their seats. The audience clapped and Bakugou cub consciously increased the pressure of his hands so that the noise would be completely blocked out. Once both adults were safely back to their seats Bakugo got up, holding his sister in his arm. He mouthed the word bathroom to his parents before walking off. Mumbling a few more "Move it extras" as he walked through the crowd. Once he got to the doors he set her down.
"Go into the stall and do your thing, alright?" He instructed. She walked in and finished up, wiping herself down and reaching to flush. Her hand swiped through empty air.
"There's no flush." She said, staring at the toilet in disbelief.
"What? Look again, toilets don't just not flush." She searched again in great detail (the best a preschooler could) before walking out the stall.
"I think that someone took it because it's not there." He scoffed pushing [ast her next to the toilet.
"There's a button, Haru. When you press it the toilet flushes." She puffed her cheeks slightly and crossed her arms.
"Well, that wasn't there before." She argued.
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever--you know what, it doesn't matter, let's just go." They washed their hands and left. He picked her up and walked back into the hall.
"I can walk, Katsu, I'm a big girl." She said as they sat down.
"You would trip. Between the narrow and the stupid frilly dress your wearing there's no way you would make it." They waited through the many more awards before food was brought.
"I'll get us all some food to share. No need for everyone to crowd the line, eh?" Mitsuki stood up and walked over to the growing food line. She walked back with 3 large plates and 1 smaller plate for the youngest.
"It looks icky. I don't wanna eat it." Haruhi said, inspecting the plate like a hound dog/
'Try it. Looks can be deceiving." she tentatively took a bite. Then spit it out.
"Haruhi! That's not appropriate!" Mitsuki scolded.
"It tastes funny and I don't like it. I want something else." Masaru sighed as Bakugo slide her plate towards him.
"If she isn't going to eat it I might as well have it." He said, shrugging and passionately stabbing at it. Meanwhile, his father walked over to the table and got "gourmet mac and cheese"
"Here. Eat up." She eyed her food. It looked like the food her mother sometimes bought. She took a bite. Then greedily continued shoveling food into her mouth.
"Slow down, you're going to get sick," Mitsuki warned, completely blocking out the sight of her son eating foods from both plates with both his hands.

After a while of food, scoldings, and backtalk, people were starting to get going. Staff was slowly going around cleaning tables and the Bakugo Family was making the journey back to the car.
"I could have sworn this is where I parked," Masaru muttered, clicking a button on a set of car keys.
"Masaru, we've been walking here for 10 minutes. Find the car before I find us an Uber and make you walk."
"M' cold and my legs don't want to walk anymore." A drowsy Haruhi complained.
"Katsuki, help your sister while I help your good for nothing father find the car," Mitsuki instructed before going back to arguing with her husband.
"Fine, come here Haru." He said. She walked over to him and he put his jacket around her shoulders. She reveled in the warmth.
"Alright, kiddos! Looks like we have to take a hike back the other way, whoops! Haha..." He laughed nervously as his family glowered at him. He picked up his daughter to protect himself and started power walking away.
"Your father is something else, brat. So witty." Mitsuki said, wistfully, dragging her son sown the sidewalk.
Finally, the car came into sight. Masaru buckled a sleeping Haruhi into her car seat. Bakugou slid next to her, melting into his eat and soon drifting off too. He would never in a million years admit it, but it had been a tiring night and he was exhausted.
"Babe, look," Mitsuki nudged her husband, who glanced at his children in the rearview mirror.
"They look so peaceful when they sleep like that. Must've been really tired to just blackout like that." He responded, knowing fully well his son just wasn't used to going to bed later than 9:30.
And all was well as the family drove home.

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