"Tsukishima, definitely isn't the guy, it's the last person you'd expect to be in that room..." I trail off, not confident yet to say it. It's nerve racking to say the least, but I will go through with telling my friend about my issues and love life. I won't build that wall with Tooru like I did to Ushijima and Tendou.

"OH MY GOD IS IT THE PRETTY MANAGER?!" Tooru yells, I slap my hand onto his mouth to shut him up, and place my other hand on his shoulder to single that he should sit back down. He does with a long sigh.

"It's not Kiyoko, though she's a beautiful goddess and I would sacrifice my life for her... it's not her. And also I'm known as her rough counterpart, so that would be weird." I say truthfully, Kiyoko is the closest girl friend I've ever had, so why ruin that?

"Hmm... you did say it's unexpected, so it's not the baldie and short one that were fawning over you because you'd have no trouble getting them to date you. It's not the freckled guy he seems too nervous to sweep you off your feet, and Tsukishima's already crossed off..." He speaks, his mind trailing off into thoughts. 

He looks serious over finding out who I like, but in fair I really like him. I don't know if Tooru would love the romance of a highschool girl and a volleyball coach, but he'll have to suck it up because it's what I desire. There's so many things I adore about Ukai, his maple brown eyes, his kindness during times I needed it most, his acceptance that I'm not perfect, his strong jaw line, I bet he has a nice body, and most of all I absolutely adore the way he cares. He cares for himself and others, he picked me up when I was down, he enjoys himself like when dancing with me, and he indulges in anything. I remember Takeda-sensei mentioning that he started yelling at the poor teacher until his words turned into questions for when practice started. I hear Tooru call my name and I snap out of my thoughts.

"(Y/n) don't doze off on me! I have a guess but I know you'll tell me who it is even if I'm wrong." He states with a smile as if he got it correct.

"Ok take a stab, but you are right I'll tell ya anyway." I reply carelessly, less nervous in saying Ukai because going through just a few of his amazing qualities made me calm.

"I choose Tobio-chan!~" My jaw drops, what the fuck? Like really? Is he being serious right now? He has a cocky grin probably thinking that my mouth being agape is a sign that he is correct, but oh my god he is so wrong. I shake my head, and clear my thoughts. Now I just see that Mr. Oikawa himself, has assumed one of the funniest concepts ever. One day I'll meet Iwaizumi for real, and I'll tell him this seriously stupid idea he had.

"Are you just guessing? Or are you saying that because you find Tobio-chan attractive yourself?~" I tease, knowing it'll annoy him but he'll get over it.

"I do NOT see Kageyama as attractive!" He says, he's not angry but definitely annoyed, he even called him Kageyama meaning he's serious.

"You just said that to avoid saying who you actually like didn't you?~" Tooru teases back, I guess I did it subconsciously to avoid and build walls but you know old habits die hard.

"Hmm... I guess I did, but I'll tell you... ugh... why is this so weird to say out loud? I.... like Ukai...." I mumble the last part, he barely caught it. He looks at me wide eyed after taking a second realizing he knows the name.

"The coach? The blonde one with the piercings... interesting taste, ...daddy issues basically." He explains, I nearly choke on my ice cream on the 'daddy issues'

I mean I do have a interesting dynamic with my dad, by interesting I mean non existent. But I know he's busy with work but whenever he does come home he mostly pays attention to Shoyo and Natsu, same with my mother. They both believe I'm strong and don't need their guidance anymore even though they never gave any in the first place. Ukai offers guidance, better than what I would like to think my parents would give me. 

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