Chapter Twelve: The Pancake Buffet POV Ellie

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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about our agreement - Sarah eating double of what I eat. But we've been having such a good time, it seems wrong not to play this little game with her.  I like to see her so confident and playful, but part of me wishes that she had this idea a few weeks ago. For me to stuff her the way I want to and the way she wants to be stuffed, it's going to be quite a few more pancakes than I'm used to eating. 

Usually we take our place in the corner and Sarah sits while I bring her a plate of food but not today. She picks up a plate and hands me one too. 

"Okay," she smiles. "I'm following your lead."

I start by putting 3 pancakes on my plate. She does her part and grabs six pancakes. It doesn't look like enough food, so I add one more to my plate. 

"I see your pancakes and I raise them." She laughs while she puts 2 more on her stack. Then we add bacon, 5 pieces for me, 10 for her. When when get to the tater tots I put a scoop on my plate. I go for a second scoop, because I know she can eat at least four,  when she put her hand on mine. 

"You might want to pace yourself." She winks and puts her hand on my stomach. "We want to be gentle with you."

At the table I butter my pancakes and add syrup she does the same and watches me take a bite. She smiles and takes two bites. Even though she's watching me, mischief dancing in her eyes she still can't stop herself from closing her eyes and moaning at what she's just put in her mouth. As we eat and I notice that she's doing a lot of the talking, taking her time eating. This is different from her usual gorging. When Benicio comes by to serve us coffee he does a double take when he looks at my plate. 

 I met Benicio on my first world cruise. I had made a game of fattening up this young German couple. They didn't know it, but Benicio had figured it out.

"If you need any help keeping your friends fed, let me know," He said to me after a dessert buffet.

I would have him deliver sweets to their room nearly every day. Because I paid for everything, they never said no. I mean who would? They must have gained 50 pounds between the two of them.

So when Benicio comes to the table with his basket of goodies I take two croissants. Sarah reached her chubby hands in and came out with four.  He looks at me wide eyed I simply shrug my shoulders and tell him,

"The things we do for love." 

Sarah's cheeks flush at this and it makes me smile. 

After the first plate of food is done and the croissants, I'm feeling like this was a mistake. My stomach already feels full beyond belief. 

"I'm ready for some crepes." Sarah beams at me. "How about you?" I half laugh, half groan at her enthusiasm. She pokes me gently in my stomach. When I look down I'm actually shocked at what I see. My formally flat stomach is bloated and hard. Then Sarah whispers in my ear "Are you going to be able to get yourself up, chubby?" 

"I just need a minute." I tell her.

"Don't tell me you're giving up already."

This is a dirty trick. Sarah has learned that I have a bit of a competitive streak. I jump to my feet  and have to steady myself on the back of my chair. 

"Lead the way, chubs." She says and brushes her gorgeous stomach against my burgeoning belly.

I load my plate with crepes and she follows suit. I notice that she throws in a couple of extra and a few cheese blintzes for herself.  She finishes her plate before I am even halfway done with mine. 

My stomach feels like it might burst.  

When Benicio stops by the table with a basket of muffins I catch him steal a glance at my stomach. Then we both watch Sarah takes out three blueberry muffins and a banana walnut. There must be panic in my face because she says -

"These are just for me. You don't want me going hungry do you?"

A little while later I look at the clock. The buffet is closing and nearly everyone has left but I still have food in front of me. Sarah slides her chair close to mine and starts to rub my stomach. She tickles the taught skin and massages little circles around my belly button. It feels so good. I'm slightly drunk from all the sugar I've eaten. A food comma is setting in and I can't keep my eyes open. My stomach makes a loud gurgling sound and I let a little belch out. 

"There you go." Sarah coo's in my ear while she feels how bloated my stomach is. "I think you've made enough room to finish." 

She loads a fork and and puts it to my lips. "Open wide, love." she says. 

And I comply. It is strange this mixture of feelings. Impossible fullness in my stomach, her hands caressing my skin, her encouragement. So I open my mouth and let her feed me the rest of what's on my plate. And I like it.  

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