Chapter five - Before Going Ashore POV Sarah

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I was getting ready for my first excursion of the cruise when there was a knock at my door.

"Benicio!" I said, surprised to see my favorite member of the kitchen team at my door.

"Ms. Ellie, had this sent down." He handed me a small covered basket and a large cup of coffee. I couldn't see them, but I could smell the pastries the basket contained.

"Thanks." I smiled sheepishly and started to scramble for a tip.

"I will not be permitted to accept a tip from you. Strict orders." He smiled. "You enjoy those... also strict orders." He chuckled a little and I think he snuck a look at my stomach. It was getting hard to find clothes in my wardrobe that didn't pull against the little bit of weight I've put on. I crossed my arms hoping it would camouflage what was happening to my body. When he left. I opened the basket. I sipped my coffee, loaded with cream and sugar when I spotted a note

'Just a small snack to start your day! I hope you're ready for some fun... - Ellie'

The basket contained all of my favorites. Macaroons, mini raspberry tarts, and two chocolate croissants.

This is too much, I thought. I'll save it for when we get back tonight. 

I could still feel the embarrassment from Benecio looking at my stomach, but there was something else mixed in with that feeling. Something unnamable. I thought about how his eyes drifted over my breasts, which were - even I had to admit - a little fuller, but they didn't stay there. It was on my belly that they rested. And he didn't look disgusted. I think he even smiled a little. Thinking about him noticing my body changing sent a tingle through my midsection. I picked up the croissant and took a bite, still thinking about how he noticed my body getting bigger. I imagined him taking note of me every day at breakfast, was he looking to see if I was gaining weight. Did he look forward to it every day? Was it something people could see? I finished the first croissant then I picked up the second one while I imagined Benicio rooting for me to get just a little bit fatter with every bite. I ate it fast, taking ridiculously huge bites in the privacy of my cabin.

Then, I laid on my bed and fed myself the macaroons. I was tempted to count them but instead, I heard Ellie in my head, saying,

"Does it really matter how many there are? How many do you want to eat?"

I wanted to eat them all. My stomach was already starting to push against my waistband. I liked it, that feeling. I suddenly had an image of the button on my pants bursting open, useless against the tide of my eating. I drank my coffee and gobbled up all the tartlets. They were the perfect balance of sweet and tangy. The buttery pastry melting in my mouth. After I emptied the basket, I wiped the crumbs from my lips and closed my eyes, remembering how Ellie massaged my belly the afternoon before. I pretended my hands were her hands. I imagined her telling me what a good job I had done. I let that pleasure overtake me.

"All passengers who are disembarking please meet on the main deck." The intercom announced.

Before leaving my room, I changed into the t-shirt I was wearing when Ellie and I met a week ago. I used to stretch it out before wearing it. Now, I could see it was considerably tighter, that no amount of stretching was going to change that.

When I reached the main deck Ellie smiled and waved me over. I saw her eyes sweep over my body and stop on the t-shirt that was hugging my already full belly. I did not cross my arms, I did not try and hide.

"Are you ready?" She asked as she put her arm around my waist. A friendly gesture, but I imagined that she was measuring me, sizing me up.

I leaned into her hand,

"I can't wait to see what you have planned."

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