The crowd was huge, and they were loud. Dream had never heard so many screams at once as he made his way over to where George and Sapnap sat with an empty chair next to George. People were screaming and jumping up and down, but Dream tried not to look at them to help calm his nerves.

"Hi, guys," Dream said to them, giving all the people a small wave as he joined his friends.

"Dream, how nice of you to join us," Sapnap said.

Dream couldn't think of a sassy comeback in the heat of the moment, so he went with the basic, "Well everyone's here for me anyway so I figured I might as well come out."

George rolled his eyes and Sapnap shook his head. When the crowd finally quieted down they began the question asking. Fans would come up on the side and ask questions that they'd answer and so on. It was a lot of fun, and eventually the aching in Dream's chest went away and he felt relaxed again.

All three of them got relaxed and returned to their normal, happy and sarcastic selves about an hour or so in. But of course, things had to get interesting.

"So my question is mainly for George and Dream, but if they don't give us an answer I have hope that Sapnap will," it was a girl, probably around sixteen. She reminded Dream a lot of Drista, but older.

"Oooo, interesting," Sapnap said. "What is it?"

"Are Dream and George actually dating?" she asked.

Sapnap smiled and leaned back in his seat, looking at Dream. Dream and George glanced at each other, and then Dream looked at Sapnap. "Want me to take this one?" Sapnap asked.

"No, I can answer it," Dream said, looking over at the girl. 

"I'm sure a lot of people are glad you asked that," George noted. "They probably think you're doing God's work."

"We just want to know for sure," the girl replied.

Dream took a split second to analyze the position they were in. Him and George were sitting extremely close, just barely not touching. "Yeah, people have been asking for years, I guess we should clear things up, shouldn't we George?" he looked over at George, who met his eye.

"I suppose we should," George agreed.

It was now or never. Dream's free hand wrapped around the side of George's neck, pulling the boy's lips against his own. George's free hand rested on Dream's chest. Dream hardly noticed the crowd absolutely losing it, because in that moment it was just him and George.


"We're trending on twitter," George said, putting his phone down on Dream's nightstand.

Dream was laying on his back in his bed already. "I'm not surprised," he said. "I think we might've broken the fandom for a little bit.

George nodded, but before he could say anything, Sapnap appeared in the doorway. "Sleeping in Dream's room tonight again, Georgie?" he asked.

"Yeah, and?" George looked back at him.

"Remember what I said a year ago, it holds true still," Sapnap warned.

"We're literally dating," Dream said.

Sapnap raised an eyebrow. "Any noises, and I repeat any, it's the porch for you," he said, and George rolled his eyes.

"Stop being gross, Sapnap," George groaned.

"I'm going to bed," Sapnap said, ignoring George's comment. "Don't keep me up or else I won't be happy." he walked over to the bed and scooped up Patches. "She's sleeping with me now since you two have each other."

Dream shook his head, smiling.

Sapnap glanced back at them over his shoulder as he left the room. "Goodnight, lovebugs," he said, and then disappeared down the hall.

George closed the door behind Sapnap and walked back over to the bed.

Dream smiled at him. "Today was a good day," he said. "We got to do our first meet and greet, did a face reveal, a date reveal, and you know what the best part about this is?"

"What?" George asked, but George already knew.

"You, George Davidson, officially live in the United States of America in Orlando, Florida," Dream said, and George smiled. "Living with none other than Nick and Clay, officially uniting the DreamTeam once and for all."

George crawled onto the bed and laid on top of Dream. "It took long enough," he said.

Their lips met for a swift, gentle kiss. "Way too long," Dream said, and then pressed his lips back against George's.

And for the first time, George slept in Dream's arms knowing that he would never have to leave them.

The end

I love you all SO MUCH. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!! I didn't think this was going to go anywhere but I'm ending with 50k views which is INSANE. I love you all and I finally got a pc so hopefully I can start meeting people and playing minecraft with them. Upwards and onwards :)

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