We entered a modern lounge and my mouth hung open awestruck by the magnificence of the Interior plus the architecture. The traditional wall painting. The engraved designed pillars. Vintage tiles and furniture, it was like I had stepped into the ancient era of the Mughal empire.

" I had heard that the Mughals were good with architecture, today I have witnessed it too, " I complimented him and he glowed with happiness.

" Thanks for the compliment, take a seat please, make yourself at home," he said then left leaving me alone in the lounge. Meanwhile, I messaged mama about my well-being and send her a selfie as a prove. Then I posted on the family group chat too. With photo captioning,

Me: Back to Mughal's era!

Aish( Ayesha, Aliyan's sister): Wow! that's Breathtaking 😍

Aliyan: Enjoy Gurl 💃💃Don't touch anything, Disaster Queen 😂

Me: look who is saying👊👊 jealous 👅

Zareen: I wish to be there with you😱❤

Nisha: I had the chance but this freaking Hospital!!!!! The place seems amazing, have a blast💕

Me: Np, we can plan a trip some other time.

Dada Jan: Wow MashaAllah, my lino. Have a nice trip! Send more photos 😁

Me: JazakAllah, Dada Jan, in sha Allah I will❤

Daniyal Bhai: hey, where are you?

Dayan: wake up bro, she is in interior Sindh 😁

Daniyal Bhai: Oh, I almost forgot 😜


And the conversation continued but I had left the conversation because someone had entered the lounge. A woman with two adorable twins boys and a baby girl in her arms entered the lounge along with Mr. Fareed. I stood up and greeted her.

" Meet my wife Sania and these are my little ones Omer, Ameen, and Taskeen. " he introduced me to them.

" MashaAllah, they are adorable, nice to meet you, Mrs. Fareed, you are indeed beautiful MashaAllah. " I shook hand with her and told her. She blushed shyly.

" So do you, it a pleasure to have you here and you can call me Sania, " she smiled genuinely and it lights up the room. I feel so welcomed and overwhelmed. I was moved by their hospitality.

She asked about my well-being and then ordered a maid to guide me to my room to freshen up. I feel overdosed with serotonin because the smile never left my face and my heart feels like it swelled with pleasure. The beginning of this journey was beautiful I hope the ending would be too.


I took a bath to wash off the drowsiness from my body. The maid had informed me that the lunch was ready means I have to join them at the table. We were about ten people altogether. Six of them were my teammates including Rameez and my bodyguard and the remaining were the security guards.

They have settled them in separate rooms and assigned different maids and servants at their service. I was in awe. How someone can be so respectful and caring. It was unbelievable but it was real. I am glad that I witnessed the hospitality of these lovely people, who carry the heart precious than gold.

I attempted to tie my hair in a neat bun but the curly nest on my head never looks neat. I am not complaining, it was my style, this was my identity. I wrapped the scarf around my neck. Wore my shoes and made my way towards the dining area accompanied by a maid because I wasn't familiar with the place.

When I entered there was a long mat spread on the ground loaded with multiple cuisines. The delicious aroma from the food occupied the room. My mouth waters reacting to the flavourful sensation.

" MashaAllah, the food smells great. " I said sitting beside Kiran. My team was already here and the guards were served with their guards at the quarter.

As per the ritual, Sania served me the food as she was the host. I gratefully thanked her. I feel embarrassed by the respect they were showing me.

" Jazak Allah for the food, "

All of us were busy eating when I noticed Mr. Fareed was not on the table. I wondered where he was. At that very moment, he entered the room laughing at something. He was not alone someone accompanied him and when the person came into the view I choked on the morsel. Everyone looked at me in concern I was so embarrassed. Our eyes met and his expressions mirrored mine. He was also shocked at this unusual encounter.
What joke Destiny was playing on us?

Have a nice trip, Alina!!


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