74 Got An Example To Set

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Lexis POV
I winced slightly at the sudden strain the sunlight brought upon my eyes. It didn't last long and eventually I recovered enough to be able to sit up. That's when I was met with the sight of rather not have seen. Tom sprawled out across the bed practically passed out. An empty beer bottle beside him, one tightly gripped in his hand and God knows how many more in the box. I didn't wanna bother him so I quietly got up and took them away noticing now that he had been crying. I didn't know what got him into that state but I had to fight every urge to launch myself at him and hug him when he started stirring. Despite my love for him he still had angered me and I couldn't help but feel every emotion as I tucked the box away in a corner of the room out of sight
"What the fuck?" He groaned taking the pillow from beside him on the bed and covering his face with it. He eventually got a grasp of what was going on "Shit. Lexi I'm sorry. I got carried away"
"Right after Dom? You trying to make me almost lose someone else?" I asked still in a state of confusion as to what I should do. I knew he was in a shit way. But the fact he knew what he'd done made it worse
"Lexi. I just got drunk. I've done that before." I knew he was trying to make it all seem fine. To try and protect me in some way I guess. But the way he was insistent it was normal made me notice it wasn't "Lexi" he sat up and groaned at the action "Lexi darlin'."
"What? I can't be arsed with you. I'm going to talk to Adam" I left him alone making my way to Adams room and banging rather agressively on the door until he answered "Letting him have the case of beer?"
"Woah Lexi. Calm down."
"No I will not fucking calm down! Why did you give him the whole fucking case? I've just woken up to him passed out on the bed!" He rolled his eyes and pulled me into his room to avoid prying eyes "Get off me!" I screamed pulling away from his grip "I fucking hate you! Why would you leave him like that!"
"He told me he was okay!" He screamed matching my energy which somehow made me feel even more powerful.
"And so did Dom!" I screamed back even louder. I watched as all willingness to argue with me fell away from him and he got angry. I knew I'd gone too far "Adam i-"
"Get out!" I stood there frozen "You weren't fucking there! Get out and don't ever fucking talk to me again!" I left the room and went back to my own hoping to god that Tom was asleep. I then realised I hadn't brought the key with me so I had to knock anyway. It took me a moment or two to work my way up to it but eventually I knocked lightly in the door.
"Tom I'm sorry. Let me in" the door unlocked and he went and sat back down as I walked inside "You alright?" He shook his head "You want some painkillers?" He nodded and I rummaged about in my case before finally retrieving them "Here." I handed them too him and pulled a bottle of water out of the mini fridge
"That's gonna cost-"
"I'll pay. Stop worrying and take the pills yeah?"
"Just take them. You'll feel better. I promise." He nodded and did as I asked "Tom I'm sorry."
"Come here" I shook my head "Just come over here. I want a cuddle and I can't do that if your stood over there" I walked over and sat down on the bed beside him. He immediately put his head on my chest and closed his eyes sighing. He put his hand up my shirt resting it flat on my stomach "I'm sorry I let you see that. But I was on my own and didn't know what else to do. I was doing good and-"
"Doing good? You've done this before?"
"Once or twice"
"What do you mean by once or twice? Is that why you would be round at ours all the time. So you didn't do this?" He nodded and I took a deep breath in bracing myself so I didn't break down "I'm glad I was here then" I said running my hand through his hair which seemed to relax him "Please wake me up if you ever feel like that." He didn't say anything but I knew he heard me since he was still awake "Don't know what we'd do without you."
"Be just fine. You're strong you can get through stuff. And it's not like the baby needs me. Not much help if I'm like this"
"This baby needs you. I need you. Don't think like that. You know I love you" he didn't answer me "You do know that right?"
"Yeah I do"
"I'm a fucking uncle. I got a kid I've got to set an example for and I'm doing this."
"Tom will you be the baby's Godfather? I'm not religious and I'm not planning on getting them christened but I wanna know if you will be" he stroked his thumb gently across my belly and smiled
"Would be an honour. But I don't need no stupid title. Just fine with the uncle Tom."
"Just promise me you'll always be there for them. Even if I'm not there."
"You're scaring me Lexi. Please don't say you're planning on leaving. Can't lose you." He looked up at me from where he was laying on my chest
"I'm not. I promise" he layed back down satisfied with my answer "I just wanted to know that they'd always have someone. Because I'm not exactly the most stable of people."
"This baby's gonna have the best family even if it's small. I'll make sure they know they're fucking loved. That's as good a motivation as any to not do this again" He pulled his hand away only to ball it into a first and gently fist bump my belly "Can't wait."
"You still tired?"
"Yeah. But if you wanna go somewhere we can"
"No. You can sleep. I'll wake you up if I need anything. But I don't think I will." He hummed a response and eventually I heard his breathing slow down as he fell asleep. I smiled slightly and pulled my hand away only to be met by him whining so I put it back "I'm not going nowhere. You didn't leave me so I'm not gonna leave you."

He slept for a good few hours and I just watched a film on my phone to pass the time
"Morning" I heard him say
"Don't you mean afternoon?"
"Shut up" he sat up and flexed his back to shake off the discomfort of the position he'd slept in
"Can we go back to Doncaster?"
"Sure." He said sitting up on the edge of the bed "You look confused"
"You paid for this trip. And for Adam too. And now you're just not arsed if I wanna go home."
"That's exactly it though. It's home. And if you're that sure then you can go tonight."
"Yeah. That's what meant. You really think I'd let you go anywhere without me?" I shook my head "You don't seem sure."
"That's nothing to do with you though. Just my own trust issues. I don't think you'll leave me."
"I won't. Except right now. When I'm going to get a shower because I smell like beer sweat and tears."
"What do I do if Adam comes round?"
"Whatever you want. Why? Was what you said to him bad?"
"Kind of. But I didn't mean it"
"Listen. I'm no Adam expert whatsoever. You know more than me. But I know he knows you well enough to know that you probably didn't mean what you said."
"I hope so. I'd hate for us to fight. Or worse just not talk."
"Pack your stuff then. I'll book everything we need to get back okay? And I can see about getting the money back." I nodded "But that's not important alright? What's important is that you are safe and happy."
"Don't mention it. You do need to let your mum know your coming back though."
"I don't want to. She will just worry."
"Fine. I'll do it. Someone's gotta say something. Or she will just interrogate you when you get there and that's not good for you."
"You do it then" I said looking down at my hands shyly. He leaned over and tipped my chin up just enough to kiss my forehead gently and then let go. I looked down again this time smiling though
"Sounds like a plan. I'm gonna go shower. Better be dressed by the time I'm in here again."
"You take ages in the shower so I'm good"
"Might fuck about and get a really quick one. You never know" I laughed a little "Go on. Get ready. I'll take you out for breakfast to apologise for the shitty thing I did."
"You don't need to apologise."
"But you'll take the breakfast?"
"Damn right I will"

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