64 Bit Longer?

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Colson sat down on the sofa and stretched out
"You guys staying here? Until Dom gets back?"
"Lex?" Tom asked me. I shrugged "Gonna need an actual answer darlin'"
"Why not? It's only one night" I mumbled
"I think we're gonna take a raincheck on that Colson. It's just easier if we're staying somewhere else."
"Sure. Makes no difference to me."
"Alright then. That seems alright. I'm gonna go get a shower so lex is gonna stay down here with you. That alright?"
"Can't I come up with you?" I said quietly
"You're with Kells. He'll keep you safe while I'm up there." I nodded "Don't be like that."
"Like what?" I mumbled "I'm fine."
"Cmere" he gestured for me to come over and held his arms open. I walked into them and he hugged me tight "I promise I won't be long yeah."
"Okay." I said confidently
"Go on. I'll see you later." He let go of me and went upstairs leaving me alone with a very confused looking Colson.
"So...you and Dom broken up then?"
"Yeah. Why'd you ask?"
"You and Tom seem..."
"Yeah. Am I reading that wrong?"
"Yep. He's just been taking care of me. Trust me, whatever girl ends up with him is very lucky."
"So you do like him?"
"No. But Yknow what if I did it would make my life a lot easier. He wouldn't accuse me of cheating on him with his best mate."
"So that's what caused this?"
"Did Dom not tell you?"
"Nope. And Adam and Mikey were kinda vague. Just said 'something' happened and left it there."
"Don't say nothing. He was going through a rough patch."
"It's alright" there was a short pause before he gasped clearly having an idea "You wanna put some music on?"
"Go ahead"
"Awe cmon. Dance with me. Or at least cheer up a bit." He pouted and I rolled my eyes "at least try and look cheerful." I chuckled a little giving in to his eagerness
"Fine. I'll dance with you." I stood up but even when he put the music on I didn't really engage "I'm sorry Colson I don't feel like it" he walked over to me looking down
"It's okay" he said softly "So you and Dom over then?" He cupped my cheek which was unusual for him but I paid no mind.
"Yeah. You already asked. Why you asking again."
"Just to make sure" he was starting to weird me out a little at this point
"Why?" He leaned down and kissed me "What the fuck!" I screamed pushing him away
"I-I just thought that you-"
"You thought what Colson! That I'd just give in cus I ain't with anyone else! Fuck you!"
"Lex I'm sorry i-"
"Save it. I'm going to find Tom. Let's hope he don't go off on you"
"I'll tell him whatever the fuck I like. At least he doesn't attempt to kiss me!" I slammed the door to the living room shut. It bounced back off of the frame but he knew damned well not to come after me. I aggressively wiped my lip where his had been but I couldn't shake it.

"Lexi?" I heard Tom say. I didn't see him as I was lay facing away from the door but I knew it was him.
"I'm sorry. I know I said I'd stay down there. And I was going to. I promise. It's just-'
"Chill. Just let me get some pants on alright?" I nodded forgetting he couldn't see me "Lexi?"
"Yeah." I heard him shuffle about in my drawers trying to find a pair of his own pants. It was mostly my stuff even though he'd moved into there. Eventually I heard him mutter a quick 'yes' to himself and he soon pulled them on sitting on the bed
"You gon' tell me what happened? Why you're here and that
"Colson kissed me."
"What?" He said in that typical tone that meant he clearly knew what I said he just didnt want to believe it
"I didn't encourage him or anything. He must of misread whatever signals I was putting out. But I swear Tom I pushed him away and-"
"Don't defend yourself darlin'. What he did was wrong."
"I know but I can't help but thinking I did something to make him think that"
"He's had his eyes on you since Dom first met him. I told him fucking otherwise."
"You did? We weren't even that close then"
"Yeah but I meant what I said when I told you I love you. And I wasn't seeing you become one of his whores. You are not that and never fucking will be. You here me?" I didn't say anything. Mainly because there wasn't anything to say "You want a cuddle?" I didnt answer him but he soon laid down and cuddled up close behind me "He's not staying here."
"Tom it's fine. We're leaving later anyway."
"Lexi if he stays here I'm gonna hurt him"
"Tom don't." I wriggled a bit and managed to face him "Don't hurt him"
"I'll try not to"
"Promise me you won't."
"I can't do that Lexi."
"Then promise that you will try your damned hardest not to." I put my forehead against his and waited in silence for him to answer
"Okay. I promise." I smiled satisfied with my answer before pulling away and instead nestling my head into his neck "I'm gonna go talk to him though."
"Tom not right now. Do it later yeah? When the boys are here."
"Why when the boys are here?"
"Because I know you. And how defensive you get. Especially about me."
"I only get that way about you."
"Fine. I know you get that way when it's about me. And I know that Colson can also be a wind up so I want the boys here just so I know you're safe."
"I'll wait then. I'm sure they won't be long."
"I'm sorry I couldn't even be away for half an hour."
"This isn't your fault. The offers always open to come to me if you need anything."
"I know. Just trying not to bother you when you want your time. All you've done is be with me the past few days."
"And do you feel better when I'm there?"
"Well yeah but-"
"Then it serves its purpose don't it? You feel a bit better."
"A lot better. It's less scary. I wish I had someone like you growing up"
"And I wish I could take all that away. But I can't. What I can do, though, is help you here. Right now." He pat my back "Cmon. You need to get up or you'll be falling asleep"
"Bit longer?" I asked. I couldn't see but I knew he was rolling his eyes
"Fine. A little bit longer."

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