49 Be A Family

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I looked at Adam and stayed frozen to the spot
"Hey Lexi. You wanna come sit with me? It's probably better than standing in the doorway." I didn't know what to do. Telling Dom was easy. Tom was there when I found out and I was half asleep when I told Mikey. But this one seemed nerve racking. Just because me and Adam had gotten so close since I came back. I didn't want this to ruin it.
"In pregnant" I mumbled. He stood up and walked over to me
"You need to speak up sweetheart"
"I'm pregnant" I said a little more clearer. I looked up at him after a period of silence
"Pregnant?" I nodded slowly
"You're gonna be an uncle. If you wanna be that is. Wouldn't want to force anything on you" I waited for a response and after a few moments of silence he hugged me tightly. It was unexpected and he had to put a hand on my back to stop me from stumbling backwards. But it worked. I started crying softly and in total honesty I didn't have a clue why.
"Why the fuck are you crying? Course I wanna be an uncle. I'm so fucking excited for this" he put a hand on my stomach when he spoke the last word "Were gonna be a proper family." This only made me cry more but this time they were tears of relief mixed with happiness.
"Sorry for crying" I sobbed not making an effort to stop myself
"Don't be. Just as long as it's not cus you think I'm gonna be mad. Is it?"
"No. Good tears."
"Then it's all good then."
"Are you really excited?"
"Yeah." He was softly spoken now. Less urgency or excitement in his voice.
"Like actually?"
"Yes!" He said chuckling after "I'm more excited than I ever have been"
"Cus we're gonna have a lil' baby about at the end of this year. And we're gonna be a family."
"We are a family."
"I know but... Ah I don't know. I guess this just cements that. I'm talking soppy rubbish." I smiled and finally let go of him
"It's okay. I like soppy rubbish. Makes me smile."
"I just can't believe it. When we first met you were just a kid. And now you're having your first child. Before I've even had mine."
"Yeah well it wasn't exactly planned."
"But it's a blessing. A tiny noisy smelly blessing. That I'm gonna love with everything in me." He seemed to trail off at at the end almost as if he was no longer talking to me but to himself "Let's go shopping for the baby!" He said like a sudden lightbulb had gone off in his mind.
"Calm down love. You're more excited than the kids own dad. Besides. They know I'm his girlfriend now. So it'll spread like mad."
"We can shop online?"
"Let's just get appointments over with first."
"Fine" he huffed like a little kid
"Cmon. Go share your excitement with the boys"

"He's gonna be a great dad someday Yknow" Dom said sitting down beside me on the sofa "Not stopped going on about it all morning." I smiled scrunching my face up slightly with how happy it made me
"You can't tell me you're not feeling the same"
"Yeah. I am. But I don't feel the urge to scream at the top of my lungs about it" he laughed it off and on any other occasion about any other subject I would have just laughed it off. But this time it bothered me
"Leave him alone. He's just happy"
"Awe cmon baby. Don't be like that. I was only joking" I rolled my eyes at him and stood up off the couch "Where are you going?"
"To go celebrate with Adam who clearly is in a better mood than you"
"So you're gonna leave me for them? Again?"
"We're not going there right now Dominic."
"Fine. Be like that" I had to fight every urge within me to not go back and start a screaming match. To prove I could get just as defensive over those boys as they were over me. But I knew I didn't really want to make him feel any worse. Or make him feel like he'd hurt me more than he had. It was just a small offhand joke that made me irritated
"You look deep in thought" Tom said as I walked into the kitchen
"Just something Dom said that's all"
"What did the moron say now?"
"He's not a moron." I defended "Just sometimes doesn't understand when a joke isn't funny to me."
"What's this about then?" Adam asked hugging me. He's kept his distance. In fact they all had over the past few weeks since they'd been so busy for tour. So having them all back again like this was something I craved "Lexi?"
"Oh shit. Sorry. Was in my head a bit there"
"It's okay." He pulled me away from him "what's wrong?"
"Dom made a joke about you getting so excited about it. And it pissed me off. That's all." I looked down "I know it's stupid because he didn't mean to upset me but you're allowed to be excited too. In whatever way you want."
"Well I've got a date. Today at 4. And I might need your help getting ready because I don't have a clue."
"You've got three hours before you have to get ready yet."
"I won't take two hours to get ready and get there" he pointed to the clock that read just past eleven "I'm not you"
"Hey!" I punched his arm playfully "If you don't want my help that's fine I will-"
"Fine. Three hours it is." I chuckled
"Now. What's for breakfast?"
"We haven't done any shopping."
"Right. I guess we are going out for breakfast then?" I left the room for a quick moment to go and talk to Dom. He seemed off so without announcing it I just sat down on his lap and buried my face in his neck "Were going for breakfast love."
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry for breakfast?" I joked
"No no. I'm sorry for-"
"I know what you meant." I said giggling "Those boys mean the world to me so naturally I'm gonna get a bit defensive. But you didn't mean it like that. It's okay" I kissed his neck softly and he tilted his head more so I could kiss more of him "So what do you say?" I mumbled into his skin still kissing him
"Y-yeah" he stuttered. I smirked and traced his face with my other hand as I continued to kiss his neck enjoying the fidgeting he was doing because of it. He gripped my waist to hold me in place on his lap whilst I continued to do so. Growing more confident as I went and thriving off his little whimpers.
"Lexi! Stop eating your boyfriend and get going!" I giggled slightly as I heard the door behind him slam
"Well. Adams spoken. Guess we will have to resume this later sunshine"
"Is that a promise?"
"Maybe." I said getting up "Maybe not."
"Do you even know what you do to me?" He said standing up himself. I gestured towards my belly and he laughed "Okay. Prime example." He softly kissed my forehead "I love you."
"We love you too." He pouted slightly and I saw his eyes gloss over
"That's too fucking cute. You and my little baby."
"Yeah. But seriously we gotta go or Adams gonna drag us out" almost at that moment Adam opened the door
"You two were gonna go get breakfast now come on!"
"Boss has spoken. Let's go"

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