Chapter 31

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"You got everything?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Ya sure?"

"Does it matter babe?" She looked at me.

"Hey, Ion want ya forgetting anything, then my other girl finds it and starting some drama."

Rolling her eyes, she just picked up her bag. As she was about to leave the room I stopped her.

"Babe. You know I was only messing with you right?"




"Baybeh, you're my only girl. I was only joking."

"Okay. Ha Ha. Now can I pass?"


"Aug we will be late for the flight."

"I don't care. We're not leaving here with you and that attitude."

Walking over to the bed, she sat and got on her phone. I didn't understand where all of this was coming from honestly.

For the past two weeks, her and her grandmother been in Atlanta with me and honestly it felt good. My momma came by for a couple days so it was like family.

"Misty what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I don't know why you keep asking that." She huffed.

"Are you upset over my joke?"

"Your joke?" She scoffed. "Right."

Getting down in front of her, I took the phone causing her to look at me.

"It was just a joke ma."

"You've been making that "joke" since I've been here August. It makes me wonder if there is some truth to it."

"What?" I stood up.

"You heard me. Since I've been out here, you made some slick remark about your other girl blah blah blah. If you know you got one and that's you way of telling me, I suggest we just end this here."

"Misty? You really think I would do that two you?"

"Anything is possible." She shrugged and folded her arms.

"Yeah but I'll never do you like that. For these past months I've been about you, shit I killed two niggas for you."

"Wait what?"

"Fuck." I said and turned around.

Misty didn't know that those two fools were dead. That night when I came back, I didn't say anything and she assumed we just beat them up.

"August!" She got up and came over to me. "Look at me!" She turned me around.

Giving her my attention, she had this look on her face I couldn't read.

"Aug you killed Rodney and Junior?"

"Yes." I admitted.


"Because they weren't giving me the answers I wanted at first."

"I want to know what happened that night and I want to know now!"

"Its been done babe so just drop it."

"No, I want to know."

"Fine." I scoffed. "They both were just talking shit that didn't make sense so calmly asked who held you down while ole boy felt on you. Neither wanted to speak so I took out my gun for incentive and Rodney sang like a canary saying Junior held you down so I shot him in the head."

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