638 13 0

Your pov ...

Shu kun** promise me !!!!!.
You will come back and meet me again ........... Promis me please ..........

(Y/ N)?! Said shu i...I ... I..don..t..know........ I am weak i ..I ..I  couldn't save them...........

I i ........ I feel ashamed...of it so I am leaving .. I won't return until I am stronger enough ........................ .............. ............. .......... ....... I will return to youu i promise ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... But I am afraid to leave you on your own ................ But I have too ......I am sorry............ Bye (y/n) ........................................

Shu... No wait please take me with ... ...........

shu ? Shu?? SHUUU???


Beep beep beep

What?!?!?!? NOT THAT WEIRD DREAM AGAIN..........

Whatt the ......  It's 7:30?!?!?#
I gotta runnnnnn I complete my morning routine ...and ran to school  ....... .......

..... I got too my classs sit on my favorite spot.... Soon the teacher came in classs . Hello good morning students I hope you all have done your homework ...

Me: CRAP!!!! I forgot my homework......shitttttt

Before we start today is a new student joining our class ....

Every one got exited because it happens once or twice a year ...
So everyone's eyes on the door............

And Mr. Kakeshi said Mr. Shu kurenai please come inside and intercourse yourself ...

WAIT DID HE JUST SAID SHU  kurenai?!?!?!?!?

To be continued.........

Hi guys I know this chap is fuckin short sorry because i have a lots of stuff to deal with.........

So how did it go....

Any comments will help a lot....?!?!?!

( next chap release on 1 votes)

😏MY MaTe😏 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora