A new decade

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March 1960

Tom had meanwhile found his way in his job not so far away. Although one or two of his colleagues had given him a hard time, it didn't bother him as much anymore. They were more curious and seemed to care less than the elderly man which was odd for this type of place where pretty much everyone was extremely relegious and faithful to the bible. For Tom all that mattered was him being with Peter at all costs and he didn't want to ruin their relationship and was more cautious than ever. Peter knew from experience that Tom was still struggling and anxious although he didn't seem to show it and was as supportive as he could be. Melly still was there for her father who could already speak properly but his musculoskeletal system was restricted. He was philosophing about which way around was the harder situation to live without - Not being able to speak or not being able to walk. And Grace? - she was still the same although she was more outside than she used to before Tom moved in.

"What's going on?" Melly asked her father when she found him talking to himself. "Nothing, I just wondered about some things" "Now I am relieved, I was scared that was another part of your disease. I am so glad you are better" "Me too, child, you shouldn't worry about me so much" "I know, but you are my father and I love you and I care about you" "I care about you too and I feel you are not happy being here at home all the time. I have seen it in your face when you wrote the letters. You want to see the world and be with your friends which I purely understand and if you want to go I will not stand in your way" "Are you sure" "I am" "Thanks dad" Melly said hugging him.

A few days later she was already back at the castle. "Melly!" They welcomed her with open arms. "We are so happy to see you again. How are you? Your father let you go?" "Thank you for your warm welcome" she said. "I was fine and I am more than fine now that I am with you all again." "Now I see it! Is this a new haircut and what are those clothes?" Grace asked emphasised. "Yeah, I wanted to try something else, something new, lots of women do actually since 60s have started" "Why am I so old-fashioned!? I want to go with that trend aswell" Grace who was usually very calm almost screamed at herself. "Calm down, Grace, you are amazing no matter what you wear or how you look" Peter said laughing and Grace blushed. "Well, I thank you for that but, but I really want to try something else" "Do what you want to do said my father and I say it to you." "Thanks everyone, you're so sweet" "Hey Tom, why are you so silent?"  Melly asked. "I don't know. I thought of my job the whole night and couldn't sleep." "I can testify that" Peter said half-smiling while pouring a drink. "Do you want some too?" "Sure, why not, thanks" "Come sit down everyone and make yourself comfortable"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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