23. Secret is out.

Start from the beginning

He is gonna make a scene.

"I did" Bucky proclaimed.

Face palms.

"Of course it was you" Natasha rolls her eyes.

"What you gonna do about it? nothing" Bucky smirks as he turns his head to me and winks at me. I rolled my eyes at him but smiled back.

Before I turned back to Natasha, I see Peter for a quick second. Seeing the pain in his eyes and his facial expression going between me and Bucky. I almost felt bad that he had to find out this way.

My dad cleared his throat and looked at me with warming eyes but I know he is pissed that I got banged up.

"Adelaide can I talk to you for a second" I nodded my head, as I turn to Bucky who had a reassuring smile.


Sitting in the lounge with my family when the mood changed inside me when I found out that Adelaide is pregnant with Bucky's child. Sent my heart to drop into the pit of my stomach if that's even possible. The feelings inside me has grew even more since Adelaide came back and I regret everything that I put her through.

I'm not going to lie. I may have always had that feeling inside me when I'm with addy, I get butterflies but when I'm with MJ I don't feel anything not since I looked back at all the fun memories I had with Adelaide when we were kids.

I don't know why i would kiss MJ knowing that was somewhere in the school. I don't even think Tony and the rest know why we actually broke up. They think it's because she left for training and long distance was hard.

But it's not. It's my fault why she left. She wanted to continue her training but also I know a small part is to clear her head from the drama I caused.

I looked between Adelaide and Bucky with wide eyes. Lost in my own thoughts, when someone's throat cleared and it was Tony as he asked Adelaide to chat alone.

My hands are shaking and I could see at the corner of my eye, Steve was looking worried on what I might do about all this. I turned to him and tried to put on a fake smile, motioning him that I'm fine.

I'm not.


Sometime has left since the whole charade. I'm still lost in thought when I notice it's just me, Steve, Sam and Bucky in the room. I took this opportunity to see where there relationship stands. I gulp before speaking as my hands shakes a bit.


"Yes, spider monkey?" he hummed.

Bucky has been calling me that since the day he met me. I hate it so much.

"W..what's this thing between y..you and Adelaide?" I asked as I put my hands on my thighs.

"I'm crazy about her" he smiles at the thought as let out a breath.

"Called it" Sam cheered.

I felt a prick of my eye, when I tried to hold on a tear. "a..and she feels the same way"

"I think so."

"well then..." I started before I was cut off my Bucky.

"Look Peter I know that you and Adelaide were a thing before she left and I don't know why you both broke it off. You both sound and look great together, when I see pictures of you and Adelaide on her walls." As Bucky rambled and me still listening still but I somehow drifted off into my own world with memories surrounding around me, while Bucky's voice talks as I watch the memories go by.

"I know it's hard for you to see me with her, but I really do like her." He finishes, as he crossed his arms.

"Well then I think it's time I move on from what me and her had...a-and let her be happy."

"Yeah...uh Peter your not ok with this." Bucky proclaimed as he looks in my direction with a worried expression.

"No I'm not but...I wanna be." I looked back at Bucky with a small smile on my face. "hey... i will be."

Love you all

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Love you all. Cant believe 5.8k people have seen my story so far. so far to go and will be a amazing but sad rollercoaster ride so hold on tight and bring some boxes of tissues the rough part of Adelaide life is about to begin soon.

Sein Engel | Bucky Barnes  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now