2. home

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"Welcome home, Adelaide" Happy said rolling down the controlled window to see his face in the window screen.

I looked out the window to see the tall stark tower. Remembering all the good and bad memories here.

I opened the car door stepping out with my backpack already on me with a grumpy Happy staring at me. "What?"

"You know I have to do that" he grumbles.

A chuckle left my mouth while I hold my hand over my mouth. "Happy I told you I don't want you to do things for me, I don't like that" Happy grunted before going to the boot grabbing my luggage well only two suitcases.

"Here Happy I'll bring it up"

"No it's alright I'll do it"

"Happy what did I just say?" He huffed moments later handing me my luggage as he knew I would just end up taking them in with me anyways.

As I walk into the stark building seeing everyone staring at me with happy faces but mostly Teresa the blonde girl at the counter.


The blonde girl got from her seat and ran to me with heels! Heels! How?! I could never.

"Hi T how are you keeping"

"I'm good now that your here, how was your transfer?"

Teresa doesn't know that I went to shields to train no one does. No one was allowed to know as it was under the public eyes so I just told everyone that I was being a transfer student that goes over to Europe for two to three years to study abroad.

"Good it was amazing the culture mostly was so beautiful over in Ireland and Africa"

"Did you learn any Irish?" She asked.

"Ireland people are just like us they don't speak Irish only English but some parts like the south, some of them do" I smiled at her.

I'm from Ireland and this is true btw.

Teresa nodded at my reply. "Sorry addy I'm holding you back with all these luggage's. I'll see you later?"

"Nah it's sweet, bye T"

Five minutes later

Stepping out of the elevator to entering the lounge seeing banners and balloons placed around the room. I placed the luggage near the counter before walking in fully into the room.

Moments later I heard a sneeze coming from the side of the room. "Steveee" everyone groaned.

I laughed at Steve's embarrassment seeing everyone coming out of there hiding spots. Around the room everyone popped up like Jack in the box with Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Wanda, Peitro, vision, Tony, pepper, Thor, Loki, a man with long black hair and ... Peter?

"Adelaide my baby" pepper cried out running over to me with open arms. "Hey mum" i giggled stumbling back a bit from the impact. I hardly remember my real mum only in bad scenerios but Pepper has been with me since day one ever since she died. Two Christmas' ago i asked Pepper to legally adopt me as a really sweet present as she has proved to be a mother to me in every way possible.

"Let her breath peps" Tony, my dad says laughing walking over to us for a family hug before getting pushed out of a way by a head of ginger curls as i chuckle.

"My turn let me see my favourite girl"

"Natty" I said as we went in for a hug.

A few minutes went by with everyone giving me a hug except the boy with long black hair and Peter. We all sat around the couch chatting as pepper and Tony got the drinks.

"Nat whose that boy" I said whispering into her ear while looking at the boy a little from the side of me sitting with Sam chatting.

"That's Bucky he is Steve's best friend from the war"

"How is he alive? Is he like Steve?" I asked in confusion. Steve heard a little bit of our conversation as he was inches away from Nat. Big ears.

"Yes and no"

"What do you mean?"

"Bucky here has been trapped in a ice chamber for years just like me but as you know my story but buck here got a metal arm" Steve gushes as Bucky goes red in embarrassment.

"That's sick" I said making Bucky to join in on our conversation. He smiled at me before replying "sure is as I can beat this gits ass at an arm wrestle"

"Is that right?" i amused looking over at Steve "finally someone who can beat him since me"

"You took down Steve before?" He said flabbergasted but smirks over to Steve.

"That was one time and you know my arm was numb that day from the experiment shots" he groaned, rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Yeah yeah I still won" He grumbles.

"Now I would pay to see that happen again" I grinned at Bucky's comment. Before turning my head, locking eyes with Peter who was staring at me motioning his head to the stairs. I sighed, really can't be bothered to go but I needed to see what he would say after all these years and if he regrets it? I got up from the couch with Peter following behind me while I felt multiple eyes on the both of us.

"Their goes the love birds" Clinton joked.

I turned my head around and stuck up my middle finger flipping him off. "You tell him
Addy!" I heard Natasha say.

"That kinda hurted me though" Clinton said putting his hand to his heart. Did he just do a tiktok meme?

 Did he just do a tiktok meme?

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