Chapter 12

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Power and jealousy make the deadliest combo

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Power and jealousy make the deadliest combo


Time passed like an arrow while Shilpika entered her third month of pregnancy. Everything was now normal in the palace of Chandanvan. Women finally felt safe to some extent as the king was no more on his hunt of a heir and going on to destroy someone's life. Hence, he stopped exploiting the servants of the palace. Everything was falling in place, slowly and steadily. There was absolute bliss in the entire kingdom now that they were soon to get the most awaited heir, that now the future of Chandanvan was secure.

However, there were still some people whose hearts were sore because of this news. A few were jealous of the servant who was going to give birth to the future king while a few were burning in the fire of vengeance. One of them was Ambika, the second queen of the palace.

Though she had nothing to do with Shilpika nor she hated her but the fact that the king who destroyed her life was content and satisfied with his life. After all this, he had the audacity to lead a normal life and pretend that nothing happened.

"What's the news?" Ambika asked while taking a sip of her drink that burned her already burning insides.

"Shilpika is in her third month and maharaj has been taking very good care of her. I've never seen him this polite and careful with anyone. Except the time he's busy with administrative work, he is with her. He personally takes care all of her needs and her security has been increased ten folds. Queen Vasundhara is taking care of all her needs at the same time, spending time with her, keeping her happy. Maharaj is grateful of  queen Vasundhara for the same." The sound of breaking glass reverbrated through the room making everyone look up at the source of sound. The maid flinched and stepped back in fear on seeing the queen absolutely livid.

"That filthy maid has already taken the place of a queen. The maid who is not even equal to the dust of this palace is not sitting on the throne." Padmini breathed angrily, fisting her hands.

"Calm down Padmini. Behave like a queen for once." Rajmata spat smoking her hukka.

"How can I calm down? That girl is literally taking steps towards my place and you want me to calm down? What in the world do you think of me?" Padmini yelled making Ambika cover her ears and roll her eyes as the screeching yell of her co wife reached her ear.

"Shut up Padmini. You are not the only one whose position is in danger." Ambika rolled her eyes again.

"Really? Do you even have a position in this palace that you are afraid of losing?" Padmini smirked at Ambika while uttering the venomous words.

"Mind your words Padmini. If you are the chief queen then I am also the second wife which gives me several rights of the queen." Ambika glared while getting up, clearly offended by Padmini's words.

"So? Just because you are the queen, you think you are equal to me? Idiot woman." Padmini scoffed.


"Shut up both of you. You call yourselves queens? Do you even have the patience and tactics to be one? There that maid is taking your position and you are fighting like two bitches here." The queen mother yelled getting up, silencing the two fighting queens.

The queen mother took a deep breath before taking her place back on the huge chair, her posture screaming dominance and royalty which shut both the queens. They stood quietly in front of her until their mother in law continued.

"To be the queen, learn to carry yourself like one. Learn to befriend even the worst of enemies when needed. It took me months to get you two together and you both are fighting like cats." Sulochana glared while the two queen gulped at her tone.

"Listen and listen good, I don't like when my plans fail. I am a winner. None of my plans have failed till this day and I don't want them to fail because of two idiotic kids who don't even know how to control their tongues." She stated looking at the two queens who had their heads bowed in shame.

"I've seen Shilpika. I've talked to her. She is way too innocent and fragile for the palace politics. She won't understand a thing about all this. All you both have to do is play smart and take Advait on your side. Rest will fall into place eventually."

"What about Vasundhara? She is a royalty. She is always with that Shilpika. What about her?" Ambika asked, her voice now controlled and calm now.

"Exactly. That bloody Vasundhara is always with the maid as if she's her tail." Padmini spat making Sulochana shake her head in disapproval at her behavior. She was now doubting Advait's decision to make this uncontrolled spoiled brat a queen.

"Vasundhara is smarter than both of you. She never let Advait go out of her hands. She's smart enough to maintain her position even after all this. She knows when to befriend who without actually caring about what others might think of her. All she cares is her position in front of Advait ensuring her safe passage everywhere.." Sulochana taunted Padmini who glared at her in return.

"You should not be concerned about Vasundhara. She is doing her job, you do yours. Plan, work together, think on what to do. And yes, do not start a cat fight." Sulochana schooled them.

"But her security is very tight. We can't plan an attack in such a condition." Ambika voiced her confusion.

"First thing's first, you don't have to be scared of that maid. No matter what she does, she cannot be the queen mother as she is not Advait's wife." Padmini's ears perked up at this.

"Second, the attack doesn't always have to be physical." Sulochana smirked while the queens stood confused.

The queen mother got up and rubbed the creases on her saree. Looking ahead at the queens, she stated in a stern voice.

"Your problem is that maid taking your position. Remember, nothing shall happen to my son and my grand child. You better stay in your limits in that case. Also, according to me you both don't really have to do anything. Just make sure that the maid doesn't do anything to make Advait his slave." Speaking so, the queen mother turned around to leave but stopped abruptly.

"And yes, Advait hates treason. He can kill if he finds someone cheating on him. Be careful." With that, the queen mother left leaving the two queens alone, deep in thought.

"I don't know about you but I know exactly what I have to do." Padmini spoke earning a suspicious glance from Ambika.

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