||-Your Voice Is Driving Me, Driving Me Insane 2-||

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Lunch comes too soon. Wilbur had spent two English classes with Mr. Lovely before going to band with Mrs. Cupquake. He was in his fourth period math class with Mrs. Shadow for ten minutes before the lunch bell rang. He was informed that this school had weird lunch times unlike his old school.

Wilbur walks with his head down. His hands are shoved in the front pockets of his jeans as he swerves around the kids crowding the hallway. Apparently, every grade in high school had lunch at the exact same time. At his old school, seniors at first and freshman ate last. Plus, Wilbur wasnt used to eating lunch at 10:30 in the morning.

Wilby! Wait up! Wilbur groans internally as Tommy calls for him. He slows down and turns around to see Tommy walking with three other boys. One of the boys is about an inch taller than Wilbur. The other two are at least five inches shorter than Tommy. The shortest has hair dyed like Schlatt; half brown and half blond. The second shortest has a purple hoodie and a UFO necklace.

What do you want, Tommy? Wilbur asks. Theyre walking slowly in the hallway among the other kids, but none of them other than the purple hoodie boy seem to notice. Tommy beams up at Wilbur.

I wanted you to meet my friends! Tommy shoves the shortest one forward. This is Tubbo! He lives next door.

Is he Schlatts brother, by any chance? Wilburs voice is more monotonous than it usually is. He knows the answer by how Tubbo smiles.

Yeah! Hes my older br-

The here is Ranboo! Tommy interrupts, pointing at Ranboo. Ranboo seems nervous, but doesnt say anything. Wilbur recognizes him. Hes Nikis younger brother. Ranboo mustve been too young to remember Wilbur. And this bitch is Purpled! Tommy grabs onto Purpleds shoulder and shoves him towards Wilbur. He shoots Tommy and angry look.

What kinda name is Purpled?

Ask my parents. They named my brother Punz. Wilbur holds back a laugh.

Whats your sisters name? Pussy?

Her names Hannah, actually, Purpled grumbles. I dont like him, Tommy, he says too loud for it to be an accident. Wilbur snickers.

Maybe he wouldnt be as rude if you told him your names actually Grayson, Tommy says matter-of-factly. Purpled frowns and hits Tommy in the arm.

Theyre in the cafeteria now. Wilbur doesnt know where to sit. Schlatt was meant to come get him. He says nothing to Tommy as he enters into the cafeteria, walking towards a table near the wall. He looks down again as he tries to move out of the way.

He runs into someone and falls on the floor.

Shit, are you okay? Someone offers a hand to Wilbur. Wilbur takes it. He dusts off his sweater before looking at the guy who ran into him. Im so sorry.

The man is wearing a lime green letterman jacket with the letter D printed on it. Hes wearing a white mask with a black smiley face on it. He has emerald green eyes and blond hair. Hes objectively very pretty. Wilbur doesnt like him.

Its fine. Wilbur turns away to get away from these people. Theres more of them now, looking at the two. One of them has the same jacket as the guy, expect its orange and the letter S is printed on it instead. He walks over to the two.

Hes British! Like George. S smiles happily at Wilbur. Wilbur cringes and backs away. Hes had enough social interaction for a single lifetime. S frowns. He says something to D before quickly turning back. Im Sapnap.

Im Dream. Whats your name? Dream steps towards Wilbur. Wilbur backs up even more. He doesnt want to talk with these people.

Wilbur! There you are! Schlatt exclaims, clapping Wilbur on the back. Wilbur flinches and closes his eyes. I see youve met the Dream Team! Well, all except for George.

Your Voice Is Driving Me Insane-- WilburSoot AngstWhere stories live. Discover now