Start from the beginning

I played along with his game and grabbed onto the lapels of his suit jacket, pulling him towards me, as I bit my lower lip flirtatiously.

He wrapped his hand around my neck and kissed me with aggression. I kissed back, distracting him, while my hand reached for my dagger. I stealthily pulled it out as I kept him in a steamy liplock (which I hated but a woman's gotta do what's she gotta do) and stabbed the dagger right into his dick.

"You whore- arghhhhhh- you bitch!", he doubled over in pain as he cursed me out. I used this time to my advantage and uppercut him in the jaw- cracking it.
I swiped his feet from underneath him, making him fall to the ground with a thud, and watched in satisfaction when blood gushed out as I slit his throat: It was mesmerising.

I pulled his body into his car. I left a white rose dipped in his blood coming out of the slit in his throat- It was like an artistic sculpture depicting my- now relieved- bloodlust. 

I made sure to cover my tracks and deleted the camera activity in the surrounding area through my phone- being able to hack complex computer mainframes needed to be child's play to you if you wanted to succeed in this line of work- before I left his body in his unfortunately beautiful Ferrari, and made a beeline to my car and got in: reversing out of the alley and speeding down the road.

It was starting to rain again and the rolling of roaring thunder would be loud enough to wake even the dead. It poured buckets and my car did her best to make my windscreen visible as can be.

I finally got to my penthouse apartment in Upper Manhattan where I could stare out onto the entire city: it was one of the main reasons I had gotten this place.

I drove into the underground garage and parked in my reserved spot. After I was done, I called a lift and entered it- eager to get back to the comfort of my own home quickly.

The moment I was in my apartment, I went straight to the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes which fortunately weren't as bloody as I had previously thought.

After stripping down, I stepped into the shower and turned it on, letting the cascading water hit my sore muscles, relieving the tension in my back and shoulder blades which I often pent up when having to be in the close quarters of degeneracy as I did with todays target.

I watched as some of his blood went down he drain. It got me questioning my entire existence as I watched it swirl and pool at the drain hole: was killing the only soul purpose for me to live?

Am I worth something?
Would I be missed if I died?
Am I dead inside?
Am I even alive or am I just the spirit of some cruel creature who refuses to leave this Earth?

Am I that hollow?


Moscow, 1998

"What will it be today miss Vitaly? Physical torture or maybe mental? After all you did defy my orders...", she SMIRKED.

"FUCK YOU!", I screamed at her.

"Well, since you didn't answer me nicely I'll treat you to both", she cackled at me.

"At least I'm not a psycho like you."

"Are you 101% sure, cause as far as I can remember kroscka (crumb in Russian), you had a lot of fun killing the guards while you tried to escape."

"Yeah, pleasure from getting rid of those fuckers. But the reason I was so elated was that they raped me and beat me all cause they wanted to- not because of your orders you monster."

"Such a long speech, but we'll have to do this talk another time, I have more important matters to attend to."

I almost screamed but kept it in to avoid giving her satisfaction as she whipped me hard.

Trail after trail of open vertical wounds were left behind from the whip: my back was caked in crimson blood but I still refused to cry or scream. Instead I kept my jaw clenched tight and tried to block the agony out- I thought I was going to shatter my own teeth...



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Sorry I published it late. I kept falling asleep on it and last night my phone died. I did edit it but if I missed something then ur more than welcome to tell And bare in mind I ain't no Russian so if the translation is wrong you can tell me and I'll correct it.

Until next timeeeeee

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