Greek? Roman? Or Greek?

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They headed toward a newer wing of the cabins in the southwest corner of the green. Some were fancy, with glowing walls or blazing torches, but Cabin Fifteen was not so dramatic. It looked like an old-fashioned prairie house with mud walls and a rush roof. On the door hung a wreath of crimson flowers. 

"You think this is my parent's cabin?" Jason asked. 

"No," Annabeth said. "This is the cabin or Hypnos, the god of sleep." 

"Then why-"

"it's the best place to start for memory loss. Come on. You'll see," Kat said. 

Soft violin music played from everywhere. The air smelled like fresh laundry. the cabin was so cozy and peaceful that Jason's eyelids started to feel heavy. A nap sounded like a great idea. he was exhausted. There were plenty of empty beds, all with feather pillows and fresh sheets and fluffy quilts and-


Kat snapped her fingers at Jason. 

Annabeth nudged him. "Snap out of it."

Jason blinked. He realized his knees had been starting to buckle. 

"Cabin Fifteen does that to everyone," Annabeth warned. "if you ask me, this place is even more dangerous than the Ares cabin. At least with Ares, you can learn where the land mines are." 

"Probably worse than the Hermes cabin and that's saying something. None of your belongings are safe in there," Kat commented.  

She walked up to the nearest snoring kid and shook his shoulders. "Clovis! Wake up!" 

The kid looked like a baby cow. he had a blond tuft of hair on a wedge-shaped head, with thick features and a thick neck. his body was stocky, but he had spindly little arms like he'd never lifted anything heavier than a pillow. 

"Clovis!" Annabeth shook harder, then finally knocked on his forehead about six times. 

he still wasn't waking up. 

"Do you suppose we should pour water on him to see if he wakes up or not?" Kat said scrunching her nose. At that exact moment, Clovis woke up. 

"Wh-wh-what?" Clovis complained, sitting up and squinting. He yawned, and Jason Kat and Annabeth yawned too. 

"Stop that!" Annabeth said. "We need your help." 

"I was sleeping."

"Are you ever not?" Kat remarked. 

"Good night."

before he could pass out, Annabeth yanked his pillow off the bed and Kat positioned him upright so he couldn't fall back onto the bed. 

"That's not fair," Clovis complained meekly. "Give it back." 

"First help," Annabeth said. "Then sleep."

"We might even be able to buy you a new pillow if you help us. White goose down pillow, " Kat added. 

Jason glanced at Kat to see if she was kidding or not. She looked pretty serious about the promise. He mouthed the words 'Can you really do that?' to her. 

She merely nodded her head yes. 

"Okay fine," Clovis sighed. "What can I help you with?"

Annabeth explained about Jason's problem. Every once in while Kat would snap her fingers under Clovis's nose to keep him awake. 

Clovis must have been really excited because when Annabeth was done, he didn't pass out. he actually stood and stretched, then blinked at Jason. "So you don't remember anything, huh?"

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