My Road Trip Gets Stormed On

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Katerina Morozov was not amused. 

She was finally getting a well-deserved break from all of her abnormality, as she would have called it. 

Though she had stayed in the United States for a year now, she didn't have time to visit any of the tourist attractions or famous sights, due to the summer camp she had originally planned to stay a few months but ended up spending a whole year in. The place was great but once most of the ahem, 'troubles' had simmered down, she left for a vacation, to visit the places she had only seen in pictures but always wanted to visit.

The Grand Canyon

It was the last place to visit on her sightseeing list, saving the best for the last. To be absolutely honest, her trip was not as peaceful as she had hoped it would be, filled with unexpected interruptions. Her one wish was that she could have a good time at the Grand Canyon and leave safe and well, unscathed. 

However, things never go the way we wish they would do they? When Katerina arrived at the Grand Canyon, she did not expect to meet three demigods, an overly aggressive satyr or storm spirits. 

Katerina did notice that there were more tourists around, mostly kids from her age, scrambling around in small groups. She paid them no attention, being too occupied taking pictures of the Grand Canyon. 

She noticed something was wrong when an unnaturally strong gust of wind shook the skywalk, making her almost fall over the edge in spite of herself. She could see the layered rocks too well for her own good.  Her breath caught as she could have almost died from falling from that height. People around her were screaming, stumbling, and holding onto the rails.  The winds were extremely powerful and lightning cracked overhead. 

She searched around, trying to see what was the cause of these strong winds. She watched stunned, as the wind churned into a hurricane. 

Though it would have been hard to tell what exactly the monster was, Kat instinctively knew. It was a storm spirit. She had no idea how exactly she knew but she just did. 

She quickly got back to reality and took out her sword strapped to her side. The blade glowed silver as it was unsheathed. She paced over the bridge to the building where the storm spirits were gathering. The skywalk was a blur of people were running towards the buildings. 

'What a chaotic mess' Katerina grumbled inside her head.  

 As the doors to the buildings snapped shut, she saw five people still standing outside the building. Four teenagers, and a really short guy.   

She tried walking towards them through the strong winds, which were like walking in quicksand. By the time she reached the five, she realized that one of them was actually the storm spirit itself as it changed form. 

Looking at the shocked looks on their faces, she concluded that they were demigods, being able to see the storm spirit. The short man's hat blew off and she noticed the little horns on his head and realized that he was actually a satyr. No, a satyr she knew. Coach Hedge. She recognized him, him being the one who brought her to camp. 

She watched as the satyr bring out his club. 

They were saying something to each other but she couldn't hear them over the wind. 

Kat quietly crept toward the back of the storm spirit that was facing the demigods. Her eyes met with a blond demigod, and she put her finger to her lips, gesturing him to be quiet. 

Once the storm spirit was in reach of her sword, she swiftly lunged and pierced the storm spirit with the sharp end of her blade. 

Having caught the storm spirit in surprise by the quiet assault, the monster disintegrated as soon as her blade touched it, and she could see the look of shock clearly registered in its face as it faded into a trail of golden dust. 

Freezing  {Jason Grace}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن