Supernatural Call From the Goat Lady

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They walked in silence across the campgrounds until Kat found the silence unsettling.

She turned to look at him and realized for the second time today, that he was rather good-looking with the sun reflecting on his golden blond hair and clear blue eyes. He looked rather like a boy-next-door type of guy. Not exactly her type.

She gave him a small smile remembering how nervous she was her first time here. 

"So you have absolutely no memory?  You look a little old to be coming to camp now," she said frowning slightly. She tried to avoid the awkward silence with a question. 

"I don't actually remember anything from my past until waking up at the bus. My memory is completely gone. Must be amnesia or something." he gave her a rueful smile.

Her eyes slightly dancing with mischief, she asked, "Do you know how to fix amnesia?"

Leaning closer to his ear and looked sideways to see if anyone was watching as if going to tell a big secret.

Jason's breath caught as he could see the girl close, with her platinum blond hair falling on her shoulders, and he could count the faint spread of freckles on her nose. "How?"

"You hit your head with the same hard force. Want help?" Corners of her mouth were turning up as she told him this.

He managed to crack a smile at her joke. "No thanks, I think I'll pass."

As they reached a big wooden house, she said "This is the Big House. This is basically the camp's headquarter."

Hooves clapped the wooden surface of the porch as the two demigods, one blond and the other platinum blond, turned to look at Chiron, the Centaur.

Chiron's smile slowly faded as he took in Jason. With his face chalky white, he said, "You... you should be dead."

Katerina rolled her eyes and objected. "Chiron, not exactly the nicest thing to say to a new camper."

Chiron seemed as if he had not heard her and voiced an order with so much finality. "Katerina, would you mind leaving me and Jason alone for a moment?"

She flashed Jason a weird look but still listened anyway. "Guess I'll see you around then."

It was strange for her to see so much panic and disbelief in the usually centered Chiron.

What was it about Jason that shook him so much? 


Despite all the abnormal things happening amongst them, Kat was glad to be back at Camp. It was shocking how much the camp felt like home considering the time she spent. She did want to go back to Russia sometimes, but she could contact her parents just fine in New York and it was nice to be in a place where there were people like her. Though it did have its ups and downs. It was a little startling to have so many problems coming up right after she returned. Percy missing, an amnesiac demigod that was lightning-proof, and the weird things the storm spirits had said.  

'Worrying is not going to get you anywhere' she told herself.  She tried to shake her thoughts away as she made her way over to the mess hall. 

"Hey, Katie," she waved at the Demeter who was busy chasing the Stolls around the table for ruining the strawberry fields. 

"Kat! Good to see you're back! Just let me catch these two first," Katie shouted at her as she panted after the brothers. 

Kat shook her head laughing at the sight when a scream came from the Hera cabin. Campers turned to look in the direction of the Hera cabin. All the other campers looked at Kat, who was the closest to the Hera cabin.

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