[Camilio Dynasty]

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[Akira Wozwald of Camilio]
The following is the story of how Akira of Camilio rose to power and his contribution to the Qwarztian society

•What is the "Camilio Dysnasty?"
The Camilio Dynasty was the founding families of "true literature" so by all means they valued literature, and morality in their family.
One of the firstest contributions Akira made was the invention of the Qwarztian writing system since he was born inside Uzbekistheim those times he'd always hated the German, Latin language and decided to give English a Qwarztian way of writing the English lexicons (alphabet), thus the 'Wozwaldian Writing System' was created.

Like Pastel, Akira was also inspired by Leisbeth and Adalgiso, though Akira only ruled for such small time he was known as the 'Emperor of Tales and Love' as his years of reign told a dufferent story, the most famous tales from Akira's legacy was the 'Poison love from a white snake' where one of Akira's conspirators had mysteriously in love with him and lead a wealthy relationship, mostly singers refer to this story as a love fraud but it is proven true that there happened to be one night Akira had confessed everything to the female conspirator and showered her with gifts.
Akira ruled only shortly and only ruled for 10 years because of strict traditional family rules, but he was given 2 more years due to the protest by the Qwarztians to keep him the head of the government.

Akira made 2 other contributions; Music and Angelogy (Study of the Angels.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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